Page 3 - 2016 WFF Guide 1
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A nthem M ed ical C ov erage C ost E stimator Tool

Effective January 1, 2016 our medical insurance will be offered through Through A nthem

Anthem. Anthem gives you access to a large network of providers, and The cost estimator tool allows
you will beneit from negotiated in-network rates and discounts for your you to estimate you and your
services. Please carefully review this section to understand what changes family’s out-of-pocket costs, based
to expect from our current coverage with UMR. on information you enter about
your health status. The estimates
I D C ard s include out-of-pocket costs for

If you elect to participate in the medical plan you will receive a new ID care and any amount you pay
from Anthem. Be sure to provide your new ID card to your providers. for your coverage out of your

A nthem N urseline F ind an I n- N etw ork M ed ical

Our partnership with Anthem includes a NurseLine feature. Anthem’s P rov id er
Nurseline puts you in contact with live registered nurses or prerecorded „ Go to
helpful messages to assist you through your medical concerns. To reach a „ Click on “Find a Doctor”
registered nurse any time of the day or night or to access the AudioHealth
Library, call 800.337.4770 and follow the instructions on the phone. „ You can search by your
speciic plan or by selecting
A nthem O nline your network, the Blue Access

Once enrolled, you’ll register an account at From this PPO or Blue Card PPO
secure portal you will have the ability to manage your claims activity, pay „ Follow the website prompts

bills online, ind more details about your coverage, and locate in-network to enter search criteria such as
providers. You can also print off temporary ID cards and explore free the type of symptom you are
wellness and healthcare related resources. treating or the type of doctor/
facility you want to locate

This is a secure site which will keep lots of very important information „ The search engine tool will
about your health and your enrolled dependents’ health in one place. locate in-network providers
and facilities based on the zip
code you provide

2016 Open Enrollment
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