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Benefits Begin and End Dates Eligible Employees
X For new hires/rehire, employees are You may enroll in the Intertek Employee Beneits Program if you
eligible for all beneits except STD/LTD are a regular full-time employee who is actively working a minimum
on the irst of the month following 30 days of 30 hours per week. Medical coverage ends on the day of
after hire. STD/LTD is available on the irst termination. All other coverage terminates at the end of the month of
of the month following 180 days after hire/ termination.

X Employees only have the irst 30 days Dependent Eligibility
after date of hire to enroll in beneits. In general, eligible dependents include your spouse, same-sex
X New for 2015—if an employee leaves domestic partner, and children up to age 26. Children may include
Intertek for more than 13 weeks, they natural, adopted, step-children, children obtained through court-
will have to go through the eligibility appointed legal guardianship, as well as children of same-sex
period. registered domestic partners.
X New for 2015—if an employee works
for Intertek less than 13 weeks, and is Enrollment
rehired 4-13 weeks after termination
and has been terminated longer than Once you’ve reviewed your choices and conirmed which beneits
they were an employee, then the rehire best meet your needs and the needs of your family members, follow
will need to go through the waiting the instructions below to complete your enrollment process.
period again. For example, if an 1. Go to and log-in. If you do not remember
employee is employed by Intertek for 8 your password or if you want to complete your enrollment
weeks, terminates for 4 weeks and then over the phone, you can call the Employee Service Center at
rehires, they do not have to go through 1-866-213-8919. If this is your irst time to use the portal, you
a waiting period. Or, if an employee may register with the access code INTERTEK-payme.
works for Intertek for 6 weeks,
terminates for 8 weeks, the employee 2. Click on the Beneits tab and it will open a new window, then
would have to go through the waiting click on the Enrollment window.
period again. 3. Have your beneit decisions and all dependent information

X When an employee terminates, beneits (SSNs) available.
will end at midnight on the date of 4. Follow the system prompts to elect the beneits you want (check
termination. Decline Coverage if you do not want a particular beneit).
X Beneits may only be changed mid-year in 5. Click submit when you are inished. This conirmation statement
the event of a family status change such will serve as your proof of enrollment for 2015 and the
as marriage, birth, adoption, divorce, etc. healthcare reform mandate.
The employee only has 30 days following
the event to make the change, otherwise
all beneit changes may only occur during
open enrollment.

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