Page 5 - Harvard Maintenance Corporate 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 5
Calendar Year 2022
Benefits Enrollment

Eligibility and Enrollment

Changes During the
Deadline to enroll in benefits is 30 days from date of hire
or date of change in benefit eligibility status (i .e ., change
to full-time status, non-union, etc .) You are permitted to make

Paying for Coverage changes to your beneits

Harvard strives to provide you with a valuable beneits package outside of the open enrollment
at a reasonable cost. Based on your beneit selections and period if you have a qualiied
coverage level, you will be required to pay for a portion of the life event as deined by the
cost . IRS .

Who Can Enroll Generally, depending on the
type of event, you may add
All eligible non-union, full-time (FT) employees and their eligible or remove dependents from
dependents . FT employees are those that work 30 hours or more your beneits, as well as add,
per week and have been veriied via the multiple tests required drop, or change coverage if
by the Afordable Care Act. Eligible employees may also choose you submit your request for
to enroll eligible family members . Coverage starts on the 1st of change within 30 days of the
the month following 30 days of employment . date of the event .

Children are Considered Eligible if They Are Examples of Qualified Life
You or your spouse’s children, stepchildren, or adopted Events (QLEs) Include
children up to age 30; dependent children are covered on Marriage, divorce, or legal
the medical, dental, and vision until the end of the year in separation
which the dependent turns 30 Birth or adoption of a child

You or your spouse’s unmarried children of any age if they Death of a dependent
are incapable of self-support due to a physical or mental You or your spouse lose
disability; appropriate documentation will be required

Note: We are continuing the dependent veriication for all employees who elect to cover a or gain coverage through
dependent for any of our beneit plans that are not currently on the program. another employer
Change in residence
When Coverage Begins afecting eligibility or

Your initial beneits will start on the 1st of the month following access
30 days from your date of hire, as an active, non-union, full- Loss of enrolled Medicaid
time employee or state health insurance

Your open enrollment choice will remain in efect for the programs
beneits plan year, January 1 through December 31, 2022 For a complete list of qualiied
life events,
contact HR .

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