Page 9 - Harvard Maintenance Corporate 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 9
Calendar Year 2022
Benefits Enrollment

myCigna Resources Medical Coverage
The myCigna website, Whether you have a common cold or will be undergoing surgery,, gives
you access to your plan medical beneits cover a range of services and can provide
information and cost savings peace of mind to help you ofset healthcare costs.
tools all in one place:
Find Doctors, Dentists,
Pharmacies, and Hospitals Your Medical Plan Options

View your plan information Medical coverage for Harvard employees and their dependents
including beneits ofered and is now ofered through Cigna. You will continue to have two great
who is covered plans available to you, the Open Access Plan (PPO), and the

Search for in-network High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) . To help understand the
providers, procedures, cost
estimates, and more plans, the following pages include details concerning how it will
Look for a new doctor near operate, as well as plan highlights and features .
your home or work
Print and order ID cards Using the PPO or HDHP Plan

View claims—including most
recent, historical, and claim The Open Access Plus Plan (PPO) plan and a High Deductible
status Health Plan (HDHP) allow you to see physicians both in network
Check to see what your and out of network. Both plans cover the same services but difer
doctor billed, how much your in how you pay for services. You will pay a diferent coinsurance
health beneits and insurance
plan paid, and what you have to see doctors and/or hospitals outside of the network .
to pay

Find out how claims work You do not need a referral to see a specialist; you may see
Keep Track of Healthcare any physician in network or a physician who agrees to bill
Costs out of network
Check what a procedure may You do not need to select a PCP, nor do your dependents
cost in your area
See how much you’ve paid so Services may require a copay up front
far and how much you have If your physician does not bill the carrier directly, you may
left to pay submit claim forms for reimbursement if services are

Check the price of a drug medically necessary
before you go to the
pharmacy Be sure to ask your physician/hospital if they are “in-
network” to take advantage of the lower coinsurance

Download the myCigna Terms You Should Know
app to access your Deductible—amount you pay out-of-pocket for healthcare
account, view ID cards, before insurance starts to pay
and more!
Coinsurance—percentage you pay for the cost of covered
healthcare services after you meet your deductible

Copay—a set dollar amount you pay for doctor visits,
prescriptions, and other healthcare services

Out-of-pocket maximum—a cap on your costs for the year
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