Page 14 - 2018 Sulzer (Pumps Services) Benefit Guide
P. 14

EyeMed Vision Beneits At-a-Glance

Your eyes are the only place in In-Network
your body which can provide a Exams Covered in full, after $10 copayment
(every 12 months)
clear view of your blood vessels, Lenses (every 12 months)
arteries, and cranial nerves, Single $10 copay
which can tell your doctor a lot Bifocal $10 copay
about your overall health. Sulzer Trifocal $10 copay
partners with EyeMed to offer Progressive Standard $75 copay
you vision insurance. The vision Approved Frames (every 12 months)
plan helps you pay for eye exams, $150 allowance
eyeglasses (lenses and frames), Approved Contact Lenses (every 12 months) in lieu of lenses for glasses

and contact lenses. The plan Elective $150 allowance
includes both in-network and
out-of-network beneits. To locate The following EyeMed resources are available to allow you to maximum
an in-network provider, visit your vision beneit.
EyeMed Member App

Search “EyeMed Members” in your app store then open and register for
the following additional resources:

Ready When Unlocked When
You Download You Register
Find Nearby Network Providers 
On-the-Fly Appointment Scheduling 
Turn By Turn Directions and Map 
Eye Exam and Contact Lens Reminders 
Electronic ID Card for Ofice Visits 
Vision Prescriptions for Everyone on 
Your Plan
Beneit Plan Details 
Answers to Common Questions 
Special Offers and Discounts 
Direct Line to EyeMed Support 

You and your covered family members may also receive $50 off a

purchase of premium non-prescription sunglasses at Sunglass Hut by
showing your EyeMed ID card.

14 2018 Benefits Enrollment
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