Page 16 - 2018 Sulzer (Pumps Services) Benefit Guide
P. 16
Disability STD Beneits At-a-Glance

Sulzer provides you short term Hourly Salary
and long term disability. Beneit 60% of your salary up to a See chart

Amount maximum of $1,000 per week
Short Term Disability (STD) Cost Sulzer pays Sulzer pays
Waiting Period 0 days for accident/hospitalization 0 days for accident/hospitalization
At no cost to you, our company- 7 days for illness 7 days for illness
paid short term disability (STD) Duration Up to 26 weeks for accident Up to 26 weeks for accident
Up to 25 weeks for illness
Up to 25 weeks for illness
coverage provides you with
a percentage of your weekly STD Salary Beneit Amount
income while you are out of work Years of Service Months at 100%/50%
60% to $1,000
following a non-work related 1–2 1/5
accident or illness. 2–4 2/4
4–6 3/3
6–8 4/2
8–10 5/1
10+ 6/0

Long Term Disability (LTD)

Our long term disability (LTD) coverage protects your family by
providing you with a percentage of your monthly income while you are
disabled for a longer period than STD would otherwise cover. You will
pay 100% of the cost of your LTD coverage. Sulzer will tax you on the
cost of your LTD premium and gross up your earnings to make you
whole for the cost of the coverage. This process allows you to receive
60% of your monthly earnings tax free in the event of your disability.

LTD Beneits At-a-Glance
Beneit Amount 60% of your pre-disability earnings up to a maximum of
$10,000 per month
Cost 100% paid by you with your salary grossed up to provide a
tax-free beneit
Waiting Period 180 days
Duration You will be covered for 24 months if unable to perform your
own occupation; you will be covered up to a total of 5 years
if you continue to be deemed disabled according to the plan

16 2018 Benefits Enrollment
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