Page 18 - 2016 Open Enrollment
P. 18
Open Enrollment

Disability, Critical Illness, and Accident


Critical Illness Insurance Accident Coverage
What’s a critical illness? Some common Accident insurance can pay you money based on the injury and

examples are heart attack, stroke and treatment you received as a result of a covered accident. The money
cancer. But this coverage also includes is paid directly to you and you decide how to spend it. Your plan can
serious conditions like permanent pay you a beneit for an emergency room treatment, crutches, injury-
paralysis—the kind of injury which related surgery, and a list of other accident-related expenses. All this
can happen to a healthy person in a car can be covered for a small fee! Coverage can be purchased for your
or skiing accident, for example. The spouse and dependent children as well.
medical treatment for these conditions

can be very expensive. Critical illness Disability Insurance
insurance can help by paying a lump Short term and long term disability beneits are administered by
sum payment directly to you at the irst CIGNA.
diagnosis of a covered condition. You
decide how to spend it. Short Term Disability
Short term disability beneits are provided to you at no cost. This
If you elect the HSA medical plan for coverage provides you a beneit equal to 60 percent of your base pay
2016, you will also be provided with a up to $1,385 per week. Beneits will begin on the irst day of injury
$5,000 critical illness beneit, funded and the eighth day of illness. The maximum duration is 90 days.
by Pericient. This will pay you a lump
sum of $5,000 if you are diagnosed Long Term Disability
with any of the critical illnesses Long term disability beneits are provided to you at no cost. This

listed in the plan (see plan design for coverage provides you a beneit equal to 60 percent of your base pay
details). From here, you will have the up to $10,000 per month. Beneits will begin after a 90 day waiting
opportunity to purchase more coverage period and will continue if you cannot perform your own occupation
for yourself and family if you choose for 60 months.
to (i.e. $20,000 of coverage). If you
did not elect the HSA medical plan
for 2016, please note you will still have

the opportunity to purchase Illness
coverage, but at a strictly voluntary

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