Page 6 - PSA 2020-21 New Hire Guide
P. 6
2020-21 Hew Hire Guide
Medical and Prescription Drug
PSI offers a robust medical insurance program to our employees. We partner with United Healthcare (UHC) to
offer this coverage.
Plan Highlights Finding an in-network provider
You have the option of choosing one of two plans, X To ind a provider, go to
the Core and the Buy-Up. Our plans offer coverage for X You do not need to log in for the provider search
most healthcare services. When you receive care in- feature
network you beneit from our negotiated discounts with X In the middle of the page, click the “Find a
UHC. If you enroll in the Core (high deductible) Plan Provider” link under the Find a Doctor heading
you are eligible for an HSA.
X Choose the type of provider you are looking for:
Medical or Mental Health
United Healthcare Member Site X If you click the Medical button, then choose, “All
The UHC member site,, offers many UnitedHealthcare Plans,” then Choose the Choice
valuable services including the following. Plus network
X In-network providers and pharmacy searches
X Prescription drug formulary In-Network vs. Out-of-Network
X Access to temporary ID cards and means to order A network is a group of providers your plan contracts with at
another ID card discounted rates. You will almost always pay less when you
receive care in-network.
X Information regarding paid and pending claims
If you choose to see an out-of-network provider, you may
be balance billed, which means you will be responsible for
Semi-Monthly Pre-Tax Employee charges above UHC’s reimbursement amount.
Medical Contributions
See next page for plan details. Important Insurance Terms
X Deductible: the amount of money you are responsible
for paying up-front before your plan shares your costs
Core Buy-Up
Employee Only $36.95 $66.97 X Coinsurance: the percentage you and the plan pay; in
Employee and Spouse $200.20 $312.27 our plans, you pay a smaller percentage and the plan
Employee and Child(ren) $180.42 $279.18 pays a larger percentage
Family $275.24 $438.06
* Employees classiied as SCA, see page 19 for employer deductibles to X Copay: a ixed amount for certain services you pay in
health and welfare. some of our plans
X Out-of-pocket maximum: the limit on your expenses;
once you reach this limit, the plan covers all eligible
expenses for the remainder of the plan year
Medical and Prescription Drug
PSI offers a robust medical insurance program to our employees. We partner with United Healthcare (UHC) to
offer this coverage.
Plan Highlights Finding an in-network provider
You have the option of choosing one of two plans, X To ind a provider, go to
the Core and the Buy-Up. Our plans offer coverage for X You do not need to log in for the provider search
most healthcare services. When you receive care in- feature
network you beneit from our negotiated discounts with X In the middle of the page, click the “Find a
UHC. If you enroll in the Core (high deductible) Plan Provider” link under the Find a Doctor heading
you are eligible for an HSA.
X Choose the type of provider you are looking for:
Medical or Mental Health
United Healthcare Member Site X If you click the Medical button, then choose, “All
The UHC member site,, offers many UnitedHealthcare Plans,” then Choose the Choice
valuable services including the following. Plus network
X In-network providers and pharmacy searches
X Prescription drug formulary In-Network vs. Out-of-Network
X Access to temporary ID cards and means to order A network is a group of providers your plan contracts with at
another ID card discounted rates. You will almost always pay less when you
receive care in-network.
X Information regarding paid and pending claims
If you choose to see an out-of-network provider, you may
be balance billed, which means you will be responsible for
Semi-Monthly Pre-Tax Employee charges above UHC’s reimbursement amount.
Medical Contributions
See next page for plan details. Important Insurance Terms
X Deductible: the amount of money you are responsible
for paying up-front before your plan shares your costs
Core Buy-Up
Employee Only $36.95 $66.97 X Coinsurance: the percentage you and the plan pay; in
Employee and Spouse $200.20 $312.27 our plans, you pay a smaller percentage and the plan
Employee and Child(ren) $180.42 $279.18 pays a larger percentage
Family $275.24 $438.06
* Employees classiied as SCA, see page 19 for employer deductibles to X Copay: a ixed amount for certain services you pay in
health and welfare. some of our plans
X Out-of-pocket maximum: the limit on your expenses;
once you reach this limit, the plan covers all eligible
expenses for the remainder of the plan year