Page 4 - 2018-19 MYNEXUS Benefits Guide
P. 4
Eligibility for Benefits
You may enroll in the benefits program if you are a regular full-time employee
who is actively working a minimum of 30 hours per week.
In general, eligible dependents include your legally married spouse and
children up to age 26. Children may include natural, adopted, step-children,
as well as children obtained through court-appointed legal guardianship.
Unmarried children of any age who are medically certified as disabled and
dependent on you also qualify.
If you elect to cover your spouse under the myNEXUS medical plan, you
must complete a spousal affidavit on the ADP site. You will be required to pay
an additional $50 per pay period to cover your spouse if (s)he is eligible for
medical coverage through his/her employer’s plan.
SSN Required
You must provide a valid Social Security Number for yourself and each
enrolled dependent. Employers are required to provide names and Social
Security Numbers to the federal government for each individual enrolled for
medical coverage.
Eligibility for Benefits
You may enroll in the benefits program if you are a regular full-time employee
who is actively working a minimum of 30 hours per week.
In general, eligible dependents include your legally married spouse and
children up to age 26. Children may include natural, adopted, step-children,
as well as children obtained through court-appointed legal guardianship.
Unmarried children of any age who are medically certified as disabled and
dependent on you also qualify.
If you elect to cover your spouse under the myNEXUS medical plan, you
must complete a spousal affidavit on the ADP site. You will be required to pay
an additional $50 per pay period to cover your spouse if (s)he is eligible for
medical coverage through his/her employer’s plan.
SSN Required
You must provide a valid Social Security Number for yourself and each
enrolled dependent. Employers are required to provide names and Social
Security Numbers to the federal government for each individual enrolled for
medical coverage.