Page 31 - Longacre 2017 Catalog
P. 31
Digital Caster/Camber Gauges
Great for bump
stop cars with
high LF camber.
Reads as high
as you need.
Easily removes from gauge and
can be used for other measurements
such as spoiler and A frame angles,
suspension and driveline, etc.
"Rare Earth"
from the
Here’s a super accurate digital caster/camber gauge
that reads to .1° (1/10°) and at a price any serious team
can easily justify. It comes with our latest Super NEW: Billet Magnetic adapter now with CHASSIS SETUP EQUIPMENT
Magnetic adapter and a padded Silver carrying case. 16 premium "Rare Earth" magnets for a
stronger pull– installed from the back for
Caster reads directly – no math to do like some other protection. Flush face, easy to clean.
low cost gauges. There is a backlight for dark areas
and a Hold feature for hard-to-reach places. This is
really a must-have tool for any serious race team.
Caster/Camber with Magnetic adapter .........$234.90
Caster/Camber less adapter .......................................... $184.90
Caster/Camber with 5/8-18 kart adapter ....................... $199.90
See page 64 for AccuLevel™ separately.