Page 34 - Longacre 2017 Catalog
P. 34

Toe-In Bar ("Toe Bar")
                   Similar to our #79620 toe-in gauge below but this new model measures
                   to the outside of the tire. No scribe line needed. Fast and easy. Reads
                   toe to 1/16". Can be done by 1 person. Billet aluminum. Adjustable up to
                   88" in width – Great for wide track cars, Corvettes, etc.
                   #79622 .........................................$119.90
                                                                        Small wheels on the bar
                                                                            let it slide under the
                                                                                car more easily.

                             Both the Toe Gauge and Toe Bar are simple
                                to use and measure toe-in within 1/16".                        Modular
                                                                                               Design =
                                  Toe-In Gauge                                               Savings for you.
                                  •    An accurate way to measure toe-in to within 1/16"  These Toe Gauges and Toe Bars
                                  •  Easily done by one person    •  See #79610 Billet Tire Scribe  disassemble for shipping, saving
                                                                                       you money. Some lower cost models
                                  #79620 ............................................................$109.90  come fully assembled and must ship
                                                                                         at the more expensive Oversize
                                  To get a very accurate toe-in measurement, jack up front wheels and
                                  scribe a true running line on the face of the tire. (See Billet Tire Scribe below)  Rate, costing you $15 or more
                                  Place the gauge in front of the tires and align the pointers with the scribe   of additional shipping
                                  lines. Then move the gauge to the rear of the tires and align the fixed end   charges.
                                  with the scribe line.
                                  On the other end loosen the thumb screws and move the slider until the pointer
                                  aligns with the other line. Now read the exact toe-in on the scale.
                                                   Quick, easy, and accurate.

                                                                                           Folds up for easy storage
                                                                                      Billet Tire Scribe
                                                                                      •  Use to make a true running line on the
                                                                                       face of the tire for measuring toe-in
                                                                                      •  Use w. #79620 Toe-In Gauge above left
                                                                                      •  Spring loaded for easy one person use
        Power Tapes                                                                   #79610 ............................$72.95
        #50870  ¼” x 10’ for stagger
              Inches only ......................$5.50
        #50875  ¾” x 10’ for toe-in, wheelbase, etc.
              Inches only ......................$6.95

                                       Tire Roll Out Fixture
                                       •  Wheel spins freely – check stagger
                                         easily and accurately
                                           •  Clean or groove tires quickly
                                            •  Find leaks, punctures or tire
                                           damage fast
                                           •  Convenient design, saves you
                                          tons of time and hassle
                                                                          Chassis Setup Charts
                                       Includes 10’ Stagger Tape ........... $53.95  •  Punched for 3 ring binder    •  Packaged 1 pad, 50 sheets
    34                                                                    #22528  Tire chart/Chassis setup ............$9.95
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