Page 50 - Longacre 2017 Catalog
P. 50

Stepper Motor Gauges
                   The next generation in instrumentation. Mount the sensor on the manifold.

              #46540                 #46535                #46545                 #46553                #46555
         OP 0-100 psi...$149.90  FP 0-15 psi...$149.90  WT 100°-280°...$104.90  OT 100°-340°...$104.90  Volt 8-18 V...$104.90
                                     #46538                #46548                #46550
        Sensors are             FP 0-100 psi...$149.90  WT 100°-340°...$104.90  OT 100°-280°...$104.90
        included with
         all gauges
                  See page 52 for spares.  'Stepper Motor' Racing Gauges
          Stepper motor gauges use a small electronic motor    Since oil pressure is so critical it has 3   •  An electronic sensor (included) is installed on
          that only turns in tiny fractions of a rotation to drive   set points. You can set the first just below   the motor to drive the gauge – no oil or fuel in
          the pointer. Many professional race teams –   normal running pressure (say normal is 60   the driver's compartment for safety.
          NASCAR®, etc. – are switching to this style of   psi set it at 50 psi – no damage there). At this   •  Thru-the-dial LED backlights and an illuminated
          gauge in all their cars.            point the LED comes on. Set the second at   pointer make these easy to read at any speed.
          •  Built-in Warning Lights – Ultra Bright 2 stage   35 psi. The LED flashes – you need to know   •  "Presentation" at turn-on Gauges go thru a
                                              here, possible damage. Set the third at 20
            LED 2 setpoints are easily adjusted to your   psi. Engine damage is likely here. At this third   self test. Pointers swing full scale and all LEDs
            needs (critical oil press has 3 setpoints). For   setpoint the LED continues to flash PLUS the   come on.
            example set water temp for just above normal   gauge backlight changes color and starts
            running temp (if you run 215° set it at 230°).   to flash. It's hard to miss this – day or night. It   •  Quick and simple to install. Connect power
            Above that the LED comes on to let you know   allows you to get the engine shut down before   wires and ground to your car. Install the
            the motor is starting to get warm. Set the second   it blows up, saving you $$$.  sensors on the motor, connect the sensor wire
            one at the max temp your engine can tolerate                         and you're done.
            (say 250°). At this point the LED flashes to attract  •  Gauges are 2 ⅝" and have a lightweight   •  See Weather Resistant gauges below.
            your attention, possibly saving motor damage.  molded polycarbonate/ABS case.

                                Weather Resistant         Gauges                    Resistant
                                •  Silicone sealed to resist moisture (don’t direct pressure wash)  Sportsman™
                                #46536  FP 0-15 psi ...... $159.90  #46554  OT 100°-340° .. $119.90  Gauges
                                #46541  OP 0-100 psi ... $159.90  #46556  Volts 8-18 V ..... $109.90  •  Silicone sealed to resist
                                #46546  WT 100°-280° .. $119.90                      moisture (don’t direct
                                                                                     pressure wash).
                                    Firewall Mount For    Pressure Gauge Sensors
                          •  Rather than buying pressure sensors for every motor mount this manifold on the firewall, install   #46509  FP 0-15 psi .............................$40.90
                            the sensors and run a braided line from the motor. See page 54 for braided lines with fittings.  #46514  OP 0-100 psi ..........................$40.90
                                              #43541  Manifold only for oil and/or fuel pressure .......$11.95  #46519  WT 100°-280° .........................$52.90
                                                                                    #46524  OT 100°-340° .........................$52.90

        All New                                 Sportsman™ Gauges

        Quality Built Mechanical Racing Gauges
        •  Viscous damped pointers for steady readings    •  Solid brass CNC machined gears
        •  Sharp looking NEW graphics    •  Gauges come complete with back lights, temp manifold fittings and brackets

                            #46511                  #46506                   #46516                  #46521
    50              Oil Pressure 0-100 psi...$30.90  Fuel Pressure 0-15 psi...$30.90  Water Temp. 100°-280°...$41.90  Oil Temp. 100°-340°...$41.90
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55