Page 51 - Longacre 2017 Catalog
P. 51

                      Memory Tach Panels And Tachs

                        "Stepper Motor" Memory Tachs
           What is this? – "Stepper motor" tachs use a small electric motor to drive the pointer. It is more
           precise than the more common 'aircore' instruments whose accuracy can be affected by the
           windings. Many professional race teams – NASCAR®, etc. – are switching to
           this style of gauge and tach for the improved accuracy.
                AccuTech® 4 ½" Memory Tach
           •  Maximum RPM recall – Just push the Recall button.
           •  High RPM Warning light – 2 stage – First warning can be
            set for just over your normal maximum RPM, the second stage
            at the redline. You get a warning of too many revs before you
            blow an engine. Can also be used as a 2 stage shift light.
           •  LED back light – Back light shows thru the dial face PLUS
            the pointer is LED illuminated to make this the easiest tach to
            read – and super sharp looking too.
           •  Stepper motor precision tach at an affordable price.
           #44384  Tach only ..........................$189.00  #44387  Weather resistant tach ...........$199.90  #44477  Tach with panel ..............$209.90

                                                    Silver Face                                 #44381  Tach only
                                        Stepper Motor Memory Tachs                                     #44382
                                                                                             Weather resistant tach
                                        •  Much more accurate than traditional 'air core' tachs        $189.00
                                        •  Recalls max RPM with one button    •  4 ½" LED backlit face  #44389  Tach with panel
                                        •  High RPM warning light to help prevent over-revving expensive motors  $198.00

                Data Logging 4" Stepper Motor Tach                     Tach – better than only 3 or 4 highs and lows.
           What is this? – This    tach records RPM 10 times every second and plays
           back the in the paddock – one lap or up to an hour. The super accurate   •  See ALL the highs, ALL the lows (to closely analyze RPM changes).
           Stepper Motor movement shows you how low the RPM goes in the turns   •  Records RPM all around the track. Replay in the pits.
                                   (change gears or downshift?), how quickly   •  Play-back can be real time, ⅓ speed, or double (to see a
                                        RPM goes up on the straight   full lap quickly).
                                         (shiftpoint?), the highest RPM
                                          reached, and how the RPM   •  You can record multiple sessions – OR – just highest RPM
                                           pattern changes as you run   if that’s all you need.
                                           more laps. The timer even   •  And there’s a multi-stage progressive shift light for precision
                                            lets you know where these   shift points – OR – a pit road speed indicator.
                                            events happen on the track.  •  The 2 stage High RPM warning light will help prevent over-
                                            This is valuable       revving expensive motors.                         GAUGES, TACHS, PANELS, & ELECTRICAL
                                            information you can’t get
                                            any other way and will   •  Weatherproof case.
                                            help you improve your   The numbers are LED backlit and the pointer
                                            car’s performance.    is illuminated for easy reading.
                                                     This    tach bridges the   #44390  Tach only ........................ $298.00
                                        gap between basic recall tachs
                                   and expensive full data logging systems.  #44479  Tach with panel ..............$319.00

                                                                            Includes mounting bracket – also
                        Digital Memory Tach                                 helps protect tach from damage
                                                       •  State-of-the-art electronics give you accuracy to within 10 RPM
                                                       •  Ultra light weight – only about 1 ½ ozs.    •  Fast response, Easy recall
                                                       •  High RPM warning light – helps prevent accidental over revving of expensive motors
                                                       •  Tach function is self-powered (battery lasts 300+ hours), Optional: connect to car's
           This tach is
           reasonably water                              power for back light and warning light
           resistant but should be
           covered or removed before pressure washing car.  #44391  0 - 10,000 RPM ............$199.90   #44402  0 - 19,000 RPM .......$219.90
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