Page 25 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 25


                 CURvEd SyNTHETIC LEATHER                            CURvEd LEATHER
                 HOOK & JAB PAdS                                     HOOK & JAB PAdS
                                                              Premium Leather Curved Hook and Jab pad with a dense

          The same specification as our                       shock absorbing foam inner. Additional wrist padding provides
          Leather Hook and Jab Pads but                       the ideal anatomical hand and   wrist position for the
          made from PVC Leather.                              trainer, while the palms’ domed
                                                              pad and Velcro wrist strap ensure
          Colour: Black/white                                 the perfect fit. Ideal for developing
          Material: Soft PVC faux leather.                    speed combinations and accuracy.
          dense shock absorbing foam &
          Velcro fastening wrist support.                     Colour: Black/white
                                                              Material: Premium leather. dense
           SIZE         cODE                                  shock absorbing foam & Velcro
                                                              fastening wrist support.
           oNE SIzE     BHJPPVC
                                                               SIZE        cODE

          HEAvy dUTy PvC                                       oNE SIzE    BHJPPRo
          PUNCH BAGS
          durable 2.5mm leather grain vinyl bag is            CLUB PRO LEATHER
          machine filled with a custom blend for optimum      PUNCH BAG
          weight and feel. zip closing top with four          Cowhide split leather punch bag. Bag is
          heavy gauge welded “d” rings  and welded            machine filled with a custom blend for optimum
          chains with swivel included. Bag hook available     weight and feel. Approx weight 27kgs. zip
          separately.                                         closing top with 4 heavy gauge welded “d”
          Not warranted for commercial use.                   rings - welded chains with swivel included. Bag
           DIMENSIONS    wEIGht     cODE                      hook available separately.
                                                              Not warranted for commercial use.
           90 X 30CM     21KG       BPBPVC9030
                                                               DIMENSIONS    wEIGht   cODE
           120 X 30CM    25KG       BPBPVC12030
                                                               120 X 35CM    27KG     BPBL12035

          AdJUSTABLE FREESTANdING                                                                      BAG HOOK
          ROTATING PUNCH BALL                                                                          BPBCHoK

          Focus your mind and aggression whilst improving hand-
          eye co-ordination and get a grueling workout with this
          Speed Ball for adults. Features a durable, rotating PU   FREESTANdING
          punch ball on a spring height adjustable chrome bar.
          The base can be filled with water or sand for stability   PUNCH BAG
          (not supplied). Height adjustable from 130-156cm.   Want to get physically stronger as well as
          Perfect for home use.                               aerobically and anaerobically fitter? Not to
          Not warranted for commercial use.                   mention that boxing offers a complete body
          Limited assembly required with supplied tools. please   workout by training the upper body, lower body
          note this product is only suitable for use in an open   and core. Utilise the Boxing-Mad Flexible Free
          area free of obstacles. Not suitable for kicking.
                                                              Standing Punch Bag for the ultimate at home
           DIMENSIONS           wEIGht    cODE                workout. Made from dense foam that rebounds
                                                              perfectly with each punch. The ultra stable
           21CMØ BALL           10KG                          base holds 100kgs of water for great stability,
           HEIGHT AdJUSTMENT:   [UNFILLEd]  BPAdULT           sand can also be used instead of water for extra
           130CM - 156CM                                      stability (not supplied).
                                                              Not warranted for commercial use.
          JUNIOR AdJUSTABLE                                   Limited assembly required with supplied tools.
          FREESTANdING SPEEd BALL                             weight - 18kg [unfilled]

          Junior boxers can hone their boxing skills to perfection   DIMENSIONS      cODE
          whilst focusing their mind and aggression. Perfect for
          home use. Features a non-rotating PU ball on a sprung   170CM (ASSEMBLEd HEIGHT)  BPTUBEFS
          chrome bar, adjustable height from 124cm to 156cm. The   PUNCH BAG - 115CM [H] X 35CMØ
          base can be filled with water or sand for stability (not
          supplied). designed to suit children from approximately
          12yrs+ and up to 150cm (5ft) tall.
          Not warranted for commercial use.
          Limited assembly required with supplied tools. please
          note this product is only suitable for use in an open area
          free of obstacles. Not suitable for kicking.
           DIMENSIONS      wEIGht     cODE
           HEIGHT AdJUSTMENT:   6.1KG   BPJNR
           124CM - 156CM   [UNFILLEd]
                                                                                       = PACKAGEd FOR RETAIL SALE
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