Page 20 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 20


                 LEATHER wEIGHT                                      wEIGHT LIFTING
                 LIFTING BELT                                        BELT

          Made from premium quality leather,                  The Fitness-Mad weight lifting belt is designed to
          the Fitness-Mad weight lifting                      offer extra back support when performing heavy
          belt is designed to offer                           lifts. This sturdy neoprene belt is fully adjustable
          exceptional back support                            with a velcro closure and strong metal buckle. The
          when performing heavy lifts.                        contoured shape ensures a snug fit to the lower back.
          Fully adjustable with strong
          metal buckle closure. The                           SIZE       wAISt cM  wAISt INch  cODE
          contoured shape ensures a
          snug fit to the lower back.                         SMALL      70-85CM   27.5”-30”   FBELT4-S
                                                              MEdIUM     81-96CM   32-37”      FBELT4-M
           SIZE        wAISt cM    wAISt INch  cODE           LARGE      94-109CM  37-42”      FBELT4-L

           MEdIUM      61-76CM     30-36”      FBELTPRoL-M    EXTRA LARGE  108-124CM  42-50”   FBELT4-XL
           LARGE       77-94CM     36-44”      FBELTPRoL-L
           EXTRA LARGE  95-111CM   43-49”      FBELTPRoL-XL
                                                                     wEIGHT LIFTING wRIST
                 LIFTING                                             SUPPORT wRAPS
                                                              Fitness-Mad weight lifting support straps are
          Lifting straps help with heavy lifting by providing a more    excellent for preventing injury when doing
          secure grip of the bar. Features comfortable neoprene    heavy bench press, overhead press and other
          wrist pad on heavy duty cotton                      weight lifting movements. They are also
          webbing strap.                                      great for use after injury for supporting sore
          CARE: HANd                                          or painful wrists during rehabilitation.
          wASH COLd.
                                                              • Elastic Thumb Loop
                                                              • Extended Length Velcro closure
                                                              • 8cm (3”) Wide and 39cm (14”) in length
           DIMENSIONS                        cODE             • One size fits all
                                                              • Washable and sold in pairs
           61CM X 38MM [SoLd IN PAIRS]       FSWWPAd
                                                              PLEASE NOTE: colours may vary
                 LIQUId CHALK                                  SIZE               cODE
                                                               oNE SIzE [SoLd IN PAIRS]  FSUPPoRT40
          Liquid Chalk puts an end to worrying about
          losing grip. It does not harm or transfer to
          equipment or clothing and does not create a
          powdery mess that traditional powder, block
          or chalk ball methods can leave. It’s also a               wEIGHT LIFTING KNEE
          healthier alternative because it vastly reduces            SUPPORT wRAPS
          dust inhalation. Applications include climbing,
          gymnastics, yoga and weight lifting.                These Fitness-Mad weight lifting knee support wraps are
                                                              perfect for competitive powerlifters and bodybuilders to
                                                              support the knees. designed to be wrapped around the knees
                                                              to help reduce stress and pulling forces on
           DIMENSIONS                        cODE
                                                              the quadricep tendons, thus reducing the
           250ML                             YLQdCHLK         risk of tearing your tendons or quad
                                                              muscles. Elasticated with Velcro tabs
                                                              so they remain secure whilst
                 MEGA BAR                                     training with a useful foot loop
                 GRIPS                                        to slide on over trainers for
          Let the Fitness-Mad Mega Bar Grips transform your workouts!   easier wrapping.
          Simply place the bar grips around dumbbells, barbells or cable
          attachments and by doing so increase the diameter of your grip   LENGTH PER wRAP
          which has been proven to increase muscle activation. Small and    - 167CM. MATERIAL
          transportable, they easily fit in your gym bag. They stay in    - POLyESTER /
          place & do not condense during your workout.        COTTON / ELASTIC
          SOLd IN PAIRS.
          MAdE FROM
          SILICON.                                             DIMENSIONS       cOLOur         cODE

           cODE                                                167CM PER WRAP   BLACK/GREEN    FSUPPoRTKNEE

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