Page 19 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 19


                 NEOPRENE dUMBBELLS
          neoprene coated dumbbells for aerobic and fitness training. Two flat
          edge ends prevent the dumbbells from rolling away. supplied boxed in
          pairs. note: no branding on box, only on retail tag around the handle.

                                                                     merchandising stands
           wEIGht            cOLOur           cODE                   available for resellers
           2 X 1KG           BLACK            FdBELLBLK1
                                                              STUdIO dUMBBELL
           2 X 2KG           BLACK            FdBELLBLK2      RACK
           2 X 3KG           BLACK            FdBELLBLK3      keep all your dumbbells neatly stored in Fitness-mad’s lockable studio
           2 X 4KG           BLACK            FdBELLBLK4      dumbbell rack. The rack has lockable wheels to easily move around
                                                              your club or studio. Features 3 locking bars so that the dumbbells can
           2 X 5KG           BLACK            FdBELLBLK5
                                                              be securely locked in the stand to prevent
                                                              theft. When not in use the locking bars
           wEIGht            cOLOur           cODE            clip to the sides (padlocks not included).
           2 X 0.5KG         PINK             FdBELL05        The rack is designed to take a range of
                                                              neoprene or vinyl dumbbells in weights
           2 X 1KG           PURPLE           FdBELL1
                                                              from 0.5kg to 10kg. note: self-assembly
           2 X 1.5KG         GREEN            FdBELL1HALF     required. We are unable to provide an
           2 X 2KG           BLUE             FdBELL2         estimate of how many dumbbells can fit
                                                              onto the rack due to the fact dumbbell
           2 X 3KG           ORANGE           FdBELL3
                                                              weights & sizes vary.
           2 X 4KG           REd              FdBELL4
                                                              7 slots of increasing widths to
           2 X 5KG           BLACK            FdBELL5
                                                              accept 0.5kg - 5kg.
                                                              8 hangers each taking 1
           dOUBLE GRIP                                        pair of 4 - 10kg.
           MEdICINE BALLS 4-10KGS                              DIMENSIONS              wEIGht     cODE

                                                               85.5CM X 60CM X 120.3CM  44.5KG    FdBELLRACKS
           offering most of the benefits of the standard Medicine
           Ball with the added advantage that the double Grip
           increases control and ability to cope with heavier weights   SLAM
           and enables single handed use. double Grip Medicine   BALLS
           Balls are not suitable for bouncing exercises.
           ONE PIECE MOULdEd RUBBER BALL wITH 2               The Slam Ball is an explosive way to train! This piece of equipment is
           INTEGRAL HANdLES. EASy TO GRIP wITH ONE            so versatile, it can be used for a huge variety of exercises and is the
           OR TwO HANdS. 27.5CM dIAMETER.                     ideal tool for Boot Camps, Fitness Instructors, CrossFit, Circuits and
                                                              more. Use it to strengthen the core, increase flexibility and improve
                                                              upper & lower body conditioning as well as coordination.
                                                              MAdE FROM PvC wITH SANd FILLING.

             wEIGht    cODE
             4KG       FMEddG4     wEIGht    cODE
             5KG       FMEddG5     8KG       FMEddG8           wEIGht         DIMENSIONS       cODE
             6KG       FMEddG6     9KG       FMEddG9           4KG            28CMØ            FSLAMBALL4
                                                               6KG            28CMØ            FSLAMBALL6
             7KG       FMEddG7     10KG      FMEddG10
                                                               8KG            28CMØ            FSLAMBALL8
                                                               10KG           28CMØ            FSLAMBALL10

                                                                                       = PACKAGEd FOR RETAIL SALE
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