Page 14 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 14


          STUdIO PRO                                          KEy FEATURES
          40” REBOUNdER                                      • Springs - Spring quality is essential for a good bounce, hence we
                                                                 use 36 high quality 32mm dia barrel springs rather than
          Fitness-Mad’s 40” studio Pro rebounder trampoline is a       commonly used 18mm straight springs.
          commercial grade rebounder that is the ideal tool for zero   • Spring Mounting - our springs attach to the frame using a riveted
          impact aerobic exercise whether for use in the gym or at home.       barrel pin, rather than hooking directly into the frame. This
          Rebounding is fantastic exercise but it is essential to have a quality       reduces noise when bouncing and makes the bounce smoother.
          rebounder as most budget rebounders offer a jarring, noisy and
          unpleasant bouncing experience. With the Studio Pro Rebounder   • Frame – A strong frame is essential to ensure a long life, our frame
          the bounce is smooth, offering the perfect exercise platform.       is made from robotically welded, heavy gauge powder coated
          Rebounding improves circulation, increases the capacity of your       steel which is 30-40% heavier than budget rebounders.
          heart and lungs and builds strength and stamina, boosting all   • Rebounder Bed - Strong polypropylene bed with nylon thread
          round fitness. Regular use improves muscle tone around the legs,      stitching securely attach the bed to the springs.
          thighs, abdomen, hips and arms, improving coordination and   • Spring Cover - We use a smaller spring cover than on many
          balance.                                              competitors trampolines as this ensures a larger bounce area and
          PLEASE NOTE: This Rebounder is designed for Adult use only. If      reduces unnecessary damage to the cover. The cover is made
          children use this Rebounder there is a risk that their feet can slip      from durable 420 denier oxford nylon, which offers greater
          between the springs and potentially result in an injury to the foot,      durability and tear resistance than commonly used PVC.
          ankle or leg. Max User Weight 125Kg.
                                                             • Legs - six 22.5cm (9”) legs which fold down without tools, making
                                                                storing your rebounder easier and
                                                                 faster. Feet are tipped with
                                                                 extra wide rubber feet which
                                                                 offer improved grip and will
                                                                 not mark the floor.

                                                            close up of
                                                          folding chrome
                                                           leg, oversize
                                                          spring & riveted
                                                           barrel spring

                                                               DIMENSIONS          cOLOur        cODE

                                                               102CMØ X 25.4CM [10KG]  BLACK/GREEN  FTRAMP40B

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