Page 10 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 10

//RESISTANCE TUBES & BANdS                                                                                                        //RESISTANCE TUBES & BANdS

                 STUdIO PRO SAFETy                                   RESISTANCE TUBES
                 RESISTANCE TRAINERS                                 1.3M FIXEd HANdLE
                                                              Fitness-Mad’s Resistance Tubes are made from a multi-stranded
          our Studio Pro Safety Resistance Trainers offer a safe alternative to   rubber core with a protective nylon covering, which prevents the
          naked latex resistance tubes without compromising performance.   possibility of sudden tube failure, that can occur with latex tubing.
          The protection sleeve virtually removes the risks associated   The rubber offers natural and progressive resistance and avoids the
          with latex tube failure and also extends the life of the latex tube.   possibility of latex allergies. Available in 3 strengths with comfortable
          Supplied with a 12 page A5 resistance training guide covering 19 key   integral foam covered handles. The resistance level is marked on the
          resistance exercises for a total body workout and a door attachment   handles to make identification easier when using in a class or studio
          that enables you to turn the Resistance Trainer into a virtual gym.  environment. The tube comes with a user guide featuring 10 key
          LENGTH: Industry standard length tube of 120cm.     resistance exercises for a total body workout.
          Total length including handles 155cm.               MAX TUBE STRETCH 3 X ORIGINAL LENGTH
                                                 4 COLOUR
          STRETCH: 4 times original length.    COdEd STRENGTHS
          TPR handles provide a comfortable grip.  RESISTANCE
          FOR USE IN A CLASS OR               LEvEL ON HANdLE

                                                              RETAIL PACKEd wITH USER GUIdE
                                                               cOLOur             rESIStANcE     cODE
                                           ATTACHMENT          LIGHT BLUE         LIGHT          FTUBE08-LR
                                                               PINK               MEdIUM         FTUBE08-MR
                                                               dARK BLUE          STRONG         FTUBE08-SR
                                                              NON-RETAIL PACKEd - CLUB OR STUdIO USE. NO USER GUIdE.
           cOLOur   rESIStANcE   StrENGth       cODE
                                                               cOLOur             rESIStANcE    cODE
                                 2X STRETCH = 3KG
           GREEN    LIGHT                       FTUBESAFEL
                                 3X STRETCH = 5KG              LIGHT BLUE         LIGHT         FTUBE08PLAIN-L
                                 2X STRETCH = 5KG
           BLUE     MEdIUM                      FTUBESAFEM     PINK               MEdIUM        FTUBE08PLAIN-M
                                 3X STRETCH = 7.5KG
           REd      STRONG       2X STRETCH = 7.5KG   FTUBESAFES  dARK BLUE       STRONG        FTUBE08PLAIN-S
                                 3X STRETCH =12KG
                                 2X STRETCH = 9KG
           BLACK    X-STRONG                    FTUBESAFEXS
                                 3X STRETCH = 14KG

                 FIGURE 8
                 RESISTANCE BANd

          The Figure 8 Resistance band is much shorter in length and features soft foam handles at
          each end of the band that provide an easier and more comfortable grip, as well as helping to
          protect the band. Perfect for toning, strengthening & rehabilitation as well as being great for
          all home workouts or when you’re on the move. Can be used for both upper and lower body
          workouts. Latex rubber tube for progressive resistance.

                                           cOLOur       rESIStANcE  cODE

                                           LIGHT BLUE   LIGHT       FRESFIG8L
                                           GREY         STRONG      FRESFIG8S

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