Page 15 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 15


                 STUdIO                                              ULTRA
                 AEROBIC STEP                                        SPEEd ROPE

          Studio Aerobic Step, supplied with 4 feet, enabling adjustment to 11,   Need a speed rope which can keep up with you? The Fitness-
          16 or 21cm. Feet and base have non slip pads. Available as a complete   Mad Ultra Speed Rope is fast, tangle proof, and intelligently
          set or as individual pieces. Max user Weight 120Kg. Manufactured   designed with a metal bearing, smooth turning system to never
          from HdPE.                                          slow you down. Ideal for CrossFit, double
                                                              Unders, HIIT, Cardio, MMA & Boxing
                                                              training to boost speed, agility and
                                                              co-ordination. The attractive knurling
                                                              pattern on the handle is also practical,
                                                              helping to prevent the handles sliding
                                                              from your grip as you get the sweatiest
                                                  COLOUR      of workouts. Quickly adjust the length
                                                              of the rope to suit the user height with
                                                              the quick-adjust system for a lightening
                                                              fast skipping experience. Aluminium
                                                              handles with PVC coated steel rope
           ItEM             DIMENSIONS         cODE           and steel screw adjust system.
                                                              MAX LENGTH: 3M.
           PLATFoRM SET [INC.   1.1M X 41CM X 21CM [9.5KGS]  FSTEP20
           X4 FEET]
                                                               DIMENSIONS       cOLOur       cODE
           INdIVIdUAL FEET  5CM RISE [0.9KGS]  FSTEPFT18
                                                               3M MAX. LENGTH   BLACK/SILvER  FSKIPUSR
           INdIVIdUAL PLATFoRM  1.1M X 41CM X 11CM [4KGS]  FSTEPPLAT20
                                                                     STUdIO PRO
                 LEATHER wEIGHTEd                                    SPEEd ROPES
                 JUMP ROPE
                                                              This is our studio quality speed rope offering a durable smooth-turning
          our professional Leather Weighted Jump Rope is      rope with free-spinning handles to ensure a perfect skipping
          designed for endurance training and for those who   arc, suitable for all general
          prefer a traditional style of rope.                 skipping routines. Colour
          Hi-speed turning handles                            coded handles make these
          provide a tractionless, smooth                      ropes ideal for a studio
          turning feel with foam handles                      environment.
          for added shock absorption.                         SPEEd ROPES ALSO
          3M LENGTH.                                          AvAILABLE IN  NON-RETAIL
          0.3G AddER wEIGHTS.                                 PACKAGING FOR CLUBS
                                                              OR STUdIOS
           LENGth          cODE

           3M              FSKIPLR17

          Fitness-Mad’s Pro Hand Weights with straps are made from
          steel handle with non-slip NBR foam covering for a soft and
          comfortable grip, complete with elasticated strap for added
          safety. Great for use while walking, jogging and aerobics as they
          help to tone your arms and increase workout intensity. Available in
          3 weights; 0.5kg, 0.75kg and 1kg.
                                                                                           cODE        cODE
                                                               LENGth  SuItAbLE fOr uSErS  (rEtAIL     (rOpE
                                                                                           pAcKED)     ONLY)
                                                               8FT     5’4” And under      FSKIPSP-8   FSKIP-8
                                                               9FT     5’4” - 5’10”        FSKIPSP-9   FSKIP-9
                                                               10FT    over 5’11”          FSKIPSP-10  FSKIP-10

           DIMENSIONS        cOLOur          cODE
           2 X 0.5KG         PINK/BLACK      FdBELLHANd05
           2 X 0.75KG        PURPLE/BLACK    FdBELLHANd3Q
           2 X 1KG           GREEN/BLACK     FdBELLHANd1
                                                                                       = PACKAGEd FOR RETAIL SALE
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