Page 18 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 18



          The kettlebell is a highly popular exercise tool amongst athletes, fitness enthusiasts and martial artists as kettlebell training delivers an
          unparalleled fitness workout! Working with kettlebells increases muscular and cardio systems with dynamic, total-body movements.
          Whether you want to burn fat, develop your cardio fitness or increase your strength it can all be done with a kettlebell.
          our kettlebells feature an oversized powder coated handle for excellent grip with one or two hands, whilst allowing for a full and fluid
          motion. The base of each kettlebell is covered with a heavy duty vinyl skin to help to protect the floor!

                                                                     wEIGht     cOLOur         cODE
                                                                     4KG        PINK           FKETTLE4
                                                                     4KG        BLACK          FKETTLEBLK4
                                                                     6KG        yELLOw         FKETTLE6
                                                                     6KG        BLACK          FKETTLEBLK6
                                                                     8KG        PURPLE         FKETTLE8
                                                                     8KG        BLACK          FKETTLEBLK8
                                                                     10KG       RASPBERRy      FKETTLE10
                                                                     10KG       BLACK          FKETTLEBLK10
                                                                     12KG       GREEN          FKETTLE12
                                                                     12KG       BLACK          FKETTLEBLK12
          5KG                                                        16KG       BLUE           FKETTLE16
                                                                     16KG       BLACK          FKETTLEBLK16
          This PE concrete filled kettlebell is a fantastic          20KG       REd            FKETTLE20
          low cost alternative to the traditional cast iron
          kettlebells and is perfect for those who only              20KG       BLACK          FKETTLEBLK20
          need a lighter weight.  NOT wARRANTEd
          FOR COMMERCIAL USE.                                        24KG       BLACK          FKETTLE24

           wEIGht          cODE                                      24KG       BLACK          FKETTLEBLK24
           5KG             FKETTLEP5

           PvC MEdICINE BALLS

          The Medicine Ball is an excellent tool for a complete body
          workout, especially when combined with a Swiss Ball. Use it
          to strengthen shoulders, back, arms and legs and to develop
          abdominal strength. Unlike weight machines that are bolted to the
          floor and give a limited unnatural movement, the medicine ball
          provides weight-resistance through a full range of motion, plus
          being made from PVC means they are waterproof and easy to
          grip. Ideal for athletes, boxers, golfers and racquet sports players.

                                              MAdE FROM
                                             PvC, THEy ARE
                                             wATERPROOF &
                                             EASy TO GRIP

           wEIGht                DIMENSIONS  cODE

           1KG                   22CMØ       FMEdBALLP1
           2KG                   22CMØ       FMEdBALLP2
           3KG                   25CMØ       FMEdBALLP3
           4KG                   25CMØ       FMEdBALLP4
           5KG                   25CMØ       FMEdBALLP5

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