Page 6 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 6


                 BALANCE                                             AB MAT
                 POd dOMES (PAIR)                                    SIT UP SUPPORT
           Increase your coordination, improve your balance and   It can be difficult to perform an ab exercise with correct
           challenge your core with these Balance Pod domes by   alignment and safe form, but the Fitness-Mad Ab Mat helps to
           Fitness-Mad. designed to help develop your core strength   keep your back properly aligned as you target your upper, lower
           muscles such as your abdomen, back and pelvis by adding   or oblique abdominal muscles! The ergonomic design cushions
           extra challenge to numerous bodyweight exercises, they   your lower back through the movement, to reduce strain, while
           also help to improve your balance which can help with body   the groove allows for the spine to dip between the sides for
           toning and posture.                                additional comfort. Created from ultra-lightweight, high quality,
           These Balance Pod domes                            closed cell EVA foam with a non-slip surface. Ideal for use at
           feature a flat side and a                          home, transporting to the gym, or for use by Fit Pro’s, Pilates
           dome side covered with                             Instructors, PTs, Physios and Sport Therapists.
           small spikes, meaning
           you can use them flat or
           dome side up for varying
           levels of difficulty. Ideal
           for physiotherapists, sports
           therapists, personal trainers and fitness instructors to use for
           programmes for their clients, or for home use. Sold in pairs.
           MAdE FROM PvC.                                      SIZE                   cOLOur        cODE
                                                               38.5cm x 24cm x 7cm    bLuE          FABMAT
           SIZE pEr DOME    cOLOur           cODE
           8cm x 16.5cmØ    DArK GrEY        FPoddoME                AIR dOME
                                                                     PRO 2

                 STABILITy CUSHION                            The Air dome can be used for almost any exercise that is normally
                 wITH PUMP                                    performed on an aerobic step or on the floor. As the Air dome has
                                                              an unstable surface, exercises performed on the dome are more
                                                              dynamic working the core, making exercises both more challenging
          An ideal tool for improving balance                 and effective, bringing results faster. Can be used either side up.
          and posture, you can kneel or stand
          on the cushion whilst exercising to                 FEATURES
          improve core strength or can sit on it
          to tone abdominal muscles whilst                    • Anti-slip base to keep the dome
          sitting at your desk. Can be                          firmly in place on the floor.
          inflated or deflated to increase                    • 8” hand pump to inflate
          or decrease the level of stability.                   the dome.
          PUMP INCLUdEd.                                      MAX USER wEIGHT
                                                              140KG (C. 300LB)
           DIMENSIONS         cOLOur       cODE
           35CØ [0.2kg]       GREy         FSTABILTY19         DIMENSIONS                      cODE

                                                               23CM (FULLY INFLATEd)  X 59CMØ [5.75KG]  FBALdoME2
          PAd                                                        AdJUSTABLE
                                                                     wOBBLE BOARd
          designed for use in balance, coordination and reaction training
          and ideal for postural stability, motor skills exercises and rehab.   Regular use of a wobble board is a great way to improve your
          The super unstable material of the balance pad means that the   balance, increase core strength and improve one’s range of
          user must always compensate to stabilise themselves when   movement. By improving proprioception through balancing
          training on the pad. Made from closed cell EVA foam with non-  exercises, wobble boards can help to protect the body from injury.
          slip surface.                                       our 40cm adjustable wobble board offers angles between 19 and
                                                              23 degrees by simply screwing the rocker in or out, allowing you to
                                                              progressively improve your balance.
                                                              THE MORE yOU SCREw THE ROCKER OUT, THE GREATER
                                                              THE ANGLE ANd THE GREATER THE dIFFICULTy.

           DIMENSIONS        cOLOur       cODE
           39.5 X 47.5 X 5.8CM   BLUE     FBALANCE
                                                                                    DIMENSIONS        cODE
                                                                                    40CMØ [0.85KG]    FWoBBLE20

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