Page 41 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 41


                 HI-dENSITy yOGA                                     FULL yOGA
                 BRICK                                               BLOCK
                                                              For use as cushioning in inversions,     BEST
          A safe and lighter alternative to the               such as the shoulder stand (four         SELLER
          traditional wooden brick, for use in                required), to support the head in
          numerous standing and seated postures               forward bends and for lift in seated
          to provide lift or grounding. With three            twists. Made from top quality
          distinctly different dimensions to vary             scratch-resistant EVA foam with
          the height, the brick offers firm support.          3mm chamfered edges.
          Yoga-Mad foam EVA bricks are the firmest
          available and do not distort under body             MAdE FROM EvA.
          weight and will not damage floors or toes!          SOLd SEPARATELy.
                                                               DIMENSIONS         cOLOur           cODE
           DIMENSIONS          cOLOur          cODE            305 X 205 X 50MM   BLUE             YBLEVAB2-BLU
           220 X 110 X 70MM    BLUE            YBREVA-BLU      305 X 205 X 50MM   PURPLE           YBLEVAB2-PUR
           220 X 110 X 70MM    PURPLE          YBREVA-PUR      305 X 205 X 50MM   LIME GREEN       YBLEVAB2-LIME
           220 X 110 X 70MM    LIME GREEN      YBREVA-LIME     305 X 205 X 50MM   dARK GREy        YBLEVAB2-GRY

          HALF yOGA                                           FOLdING yOGA
          BLOCK                                               CHAIR
          1” spacer blocks are particularly useful            Used to aid rotation in seated twists, for
          when needing to reduce or increase the              support in backbends, in Viparita Karani and
          height of one’s lift by less than 2” (5cm)          for refinement of the shoulder stand. Ideal
          in one go i.e. in Virasana. Made from               for serious yoga students and studios. Chairs
          top quality scratch-resistant EVA foam              fold flat for easy storage and have durable
          with 3mm chamfered edges.                           non marking feet. our reinforced design has
          SOLd SEPARATELy.                                    raised cross members on the legs to facilitate
                                                              getting your legs underneath and a higher
           DIMENSIONS          cOLOur          cODE           back to make stepping through easier.
                                                              MATERIAL: TUBULAR STEEL
           305 x 205 x 25MM (1”)  BLUE         YBLEVAHALF
                                                              MAX USER wEIGHT: 100KG
          SEAMLESS                                                           DIMENSIONS         cOLOur   cODE
                                                                             CHAIR ToTAL HEIGHT: 78CM   SILVER  YCHAIRT
          Seamless yoga blankets are a highly versatile prop which can   yOGA   SEAT HEIGHT: 41CM
          be folded to provide height in seated postures and to support   wHEEL
          the head and shoulders in inversions. These seamless blankets   Time to make your yoga world go round! The Yoga-Mad Yoga
          provide a more comfortable support, as they do not create   Wheel can help you take your practice to the next level as well as
          a harsh edge once folded, thus providing a flatter surface   helping to stretch out and soothe tight muscles. Using this circular
          across the entire folded area.                      yoga prop can help to stretch the front of the body, such as the
                                                              abdomen and hip flexors, helps to open and expand the chest and
          They can be rolled to                               shoulders plus develop flexibility in the back. It can also add an
          support the neck in                                 extra challenge to your yoga practice when used as a prop for arm
          reclining postures, help                            balances or handstands. The yoga wheel can help you to safely
          to relieve strain on knees                          deepen your practice, particularly for backbends and heart opening
          or ankles in poses such as                          postures, but can be used by anyone to release muscle tension and
          the Hero or Child’s Pose,                           create space in the spine.
          as well as being folded
          for a meditation seat, or                           ABS wHEEL wITH 6MM PHTHALATE FREE PvC yOGA MAT
          use for pose modification in                        CUSHIONING.
          restorative styles of Yoga. 100%
          hand-woven cotton, our blankets are soft
          and fold tightly, offering good support
          whilst holding their shape, which is the
          key to a good yoga blanket.

           SIZE              cOLOur          cODE
           200 X 150CM       NATURAL         YBLANKETSL-NAT
           200 X 150CM       AubErGINE       YBLANKETSL-AUB
                                                               DIMENSIONS       cOLOur          cODE
           200 X 150CM       DArK GrEY       YBLANKETSL-GRY
                                                               33CMØ            LIGHT BLUE      YWHEEL-LBLU
                                                               33CMØ            PURPLE          YWHEEL-PUR

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