Page 45 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 45


                 EXER-SOFT                                     PILATES
                 BALLS                                         BLOCKS
                                                               The large block is used to level the pelvis, the small block is used
          Ideal for pelvic floor exercises, the ball will enhance your Pilates   to slightly raise the head in reclining postures in order to achieve
          workout and help develop strength, endurance and concentration   the correct neck alignment. It can also be used to correct the tilt
          as well as promoting relaxation and coordination. The balls are anti-  on the pelvis or for support
          slip offering excellent grip. Ball size is down to preference, though it   between the knees.
          is common to have three sizes for greater diversity.   MATERIAL: CLOSEd CELL,
          dINP PvC. FACTORy TESTEd AS                          wIPE CLEAN EvA FOAM.

                                                               ItEM       DIMENSIONS               cODE
                                                               HEAd BLoCK  20.5CM X 15CM X 25MM     FBLoCK25
                                                               SITTING BLoCK  32CM X 25CM X 60MM    FBLoCK60

           DIMENSIONS        cOLOur          cODE
           18CMØ [7”]        BLUE            FEXBALL7                wEIGHTS
           23CMØ [9”]        REd             FEXBALL9
                                                              Soft weights are designed for strengthening, plyometrics,
           30cMØ [12”]       GRAPHITE        FEXBALL12        balance training and mobilisation exercises. In addition to
                                                              offering a more fluid range of motion to using a standard
                                                              dumbbell, the soft weight design is safer, reducing the risk
                                                              of damage or injury if dropped. The
                                                              shape also helps to promote
                                                              the development
                                                              of functional grip

                                                              PvC OUTER SHELL wITH IRON SANd FILLING.

                                                               DIMENSIONS           cOLOur       cODE
                                                               2 X 0.5KG. 12CMØ     BLUE         FSoFT1
                                                               2 X 1KG. 12CMØ       BLUE         FSoFT2
                                                               2 X 1.5KG. 12CMØ     BLUE         FSoFT3

                                                                     RESISTANCE RING

                                                               Lightweight double handled Pilates isotoner,
                                                               with foam padded fibre glass ring for extra
                                                               comfort. This 14” ring offers slightly lighter
                                                               resistance than the Align-Pilates
                                                               Steel Isotoner ring seen
                                                               opposite, but this has
                                                               been a best seller for
                                                               many years.

                                                               cOLOur          DIMENSIONS     cODE

                                                               GREY/BLACK      14” [35.5CM]   FRING14L

                                                                                       = PACKAGEd FOR RETAIL SALE
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