Page 164 - MustangEbook
P. 164

WHY SUBMARINE IS CALLED A                      Submariner and serves as a means to forge a
               BOAT?                                          common  sense  of  identity  for  the  newly
                                                              qualified Submariner.
               All  navies  refer  to  their  vessels  as  ships.
               However,  submarines  are  referred  to  as
               “boats”  largely  for  historical  reasons.
               “Boats”, in naval terminology, are vessels that
               require a surface vessel’s assistance in their
               launching and maintenance.

               As  the  earliest  submarines  required  the
               support  from  submarine  tenders  on  the
               surface, it became common to refer them as

               The  term  “U-Boat”  then  came  along  as  an
               Anglicised version of the German word “U-
               Boat”  which  is  itself  an  abbreviation  of
               “Uterseeboot” (Undersea Boat).                 Jumping from the bow mainly is for the new

                                                              Submariner  to  understand  and  feel  that
                                                              working on the submarine deck faces the real
                                                              possibility of dropping overboard, and hence
                                                              PPE like lifejacket is essential.

                                                              Following  the  jump,  the  newly  qualified
                                                              submariners must share and finish a jug of
                                                              submariner's drink before they are presented
                                                              with  their  submarine  insignia  by  their
                                                              respective Commanding Officers.

                    Our RSN submarine alongside its pier.
                                                              SUBMARINER’S DRINK
               Even though submarine technology has come
               a  very  long  way  since  World  War  II,  with
               nuclear powered ones  being  able to operate   The ingredients of the drink give an overall
               alone for months on end, submarines to this    taste  of  sweet  and  sour  with  a  tinge  of
               day are still affectionately called “boats”.   bitterness and spiciness.

                                                              The four tastes of the drink are symbolic of
               DOLPHIN JUMP (SUBMARINER)                      the  making  of  a  full-fledged  Submariner

                                                              (Chinese  saying).  At  the  initial  stages  of
               During the training in Sweden, the endurance   training,  the  trainee’s  life  will  be  one  filled
               of  the  crew  was  pushed  to  the  limit  with
               many long sailings under stressful conditions   with difficulty (bitter).
               and bare minimum of amenities (sour).
               The  Dolphin  Jump  Ceremony  remains  a
               significant rite-of passage in the life of any
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