Page 165 - MustangEbook
P. 165
Today, this age-old tradition is still practiced
by navies around the world, allowing us to
celebrate the exchange of culture and forge
Gabriel Tang taking on the challenge by drowning friendships across the seas.
a jar of Submariner’s drink
The Deep Dive is the first RSN Submariner’s
drink to be concocted. It consists of the The Equator crossing ceremony is an ancient
ingredients: Rum, Sour Mix, Bitter Lemon naval tradition as "Crossing the line." This is
and a dash of Tabasco. a tradition practised by sea-farers whenever a
ship crosses the equator during its passage.
There were ‘exciting’ moments when the
submarine was temporarily out of control and The equator is the imaginary line that divides
there was also disagreement with the Swedes the Earth into two hemisphere, Northern and
and amongst the submariners (spicy), but Southern.
often, they led to a better understanding of
the involved parties. Finally, after the end of This transition between the two hemispheres
training in Sweden, the submariners brings significant meanings to sea-farer, often
experienced the feeling of sweet satisfaction referred to as had entered in a new part of the
and achievement. world.
The ceremony of crossing the line is an
COCKTAIL initiation rite in the Royal Navy of the Great
Britain, U.S. Navy and many other navies
The custom of warships hosting cocktail
parties during visits to foreign ports dated including the RSN.
back to over 200 years ago. They were social
functions to promote friendly relations with
dignitaries and senior commanders in the
ports of call.
Transforming the slimy Pollywog to trusty