Page 71 - MustangEbook
P. 71

SAFTI  MI  and  Commandos  Regimental          challenges  of  military  leadership.  The
               Colours do not observe the order-by-date-of    values  of  the  SAF  Officers’  Creed  are
               grant  arrangement.  These  Colours  precede   also    reflected   within    this   proud
               SAF’s  first  Regimental  Colours  (1SIR  -  27   declaration.
               July 1961), despite being granted on a later
               date.                                          The  then  Prime  Minister  Mr  Goh  Chok
                                                              Tong  presented  the  Institute  Colours  to
               SAFTI MILITARY INSTITUTE                       Commandant SAFTI MI, BG Chin Chow
               REGIMENTAL COLOURS                             Yoon  on  the  Opening  Ceremony  of
                                                              SAFTI MI on 25 August 1995 at SAFTI
                                                              MI Parade Square.

                                                              HEADQUARTERS, COMMANDOS

               The retired SAFTI Colours was presented by
               the then Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew
               on 16 June 1968.
                                                              The HQ Commandos Formation Colours has
               The design of SAFTI Colours is similar         its  emblem  centrally  placed  above  the
               to  the  new  one,  comprising  the  torch,    Commando’s motto “For Honour and Glory”.
               sword,  laurels  and  streamer  except  that   This  motto  exhorts  the  Commandos  to
               the motto has changed. The former motto        undertake any mission that is assigned for the
               was  “Toward  Excellence”.  It  is  thus  a    honour  and  glory  of  the  Nation  and
               reflection of our military heritage and a      Formation.
               link  with  our  past  by  having  a  similar
               emblem.  The  red  background  colour          The field in yellow of the Colours signifies the
               signifies excellence and centrally placed      elite  status  of  the  Commandos.  The  Sword
               is  the  SAFTI  emblem.  The  Torch            with silver wings on either side indicates the
               signifies  the  pivotal  role  played  by      Infantry with airborne capability. The laurels
               SAFTI  in  moulding  and  educating  its       of excellence surround this.
               Military  Officers.  The  Sword  signifies     The Regimental Colours was presented to HQ
               the SAFTI’s role in training Singapore’s       Commandos  by  the  late  President  of  the
               best  young  men  in  the  art  of  warfare.   Republic of Singapore, Mr Wee Kim Wee on
               Each laurel has 66 leaves which signify        the  Retirement  and  Presentation  of  Colours
               the year (1966) in which        SAFTI was      Parade on 20 October 1991 at Khatib Camp.
               established.  Her  Motto  “To  Lead,  To
               Excel,  To  Overcome”  captures  the
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