Page 76 - MustangEbook
P. 76

on 11 June 1983 at Jurong Stadium by the late
               President Devan Nair.                          41 SAR


               The gauntlet symbolises the hard protection of
               the  Armour  and  her  equally  hard  crushing
               capabilities.  The  cross-bayonets  represent
               Infantry capability. This Insignia is flanked on
               its left and right with laurels which are termed
               as  ‘showers’  of  yellow.  These  golden
               ‘showers’  signify  the  splendour  and
               importance  of  the  Armoured  Forces.  Her    The  41st  Battalion  Singapore  Armoured
               motto being, “Swift and Decisive”.             Regiment’s Colours bears the number “41” at
                                                              the top left corner of the field background and
                In  addition,  a  yellow  scroll  with  the   the frills are red. The Regimental Colours was
               inscription  Singapore  Armoured  Regiment     presented to the Battalion by the late President
               appears beneath the laurels and insignia. The   of  the  Republic  of  Singapore,  Dr.  B.  H.
               whole  emblem  is  placed  on  a  green  field   Sheares on 6 November 1977 at the Selarang
               background and the Battalion number appears    Barracks.
               on the top-left hand corner of the Colours, in
               yellow. The colour of the fringes of respective   42 SAR
               Battalions  also  differs  from  one  another.
               Also,  the  coloured  frills  on  the  Colours
               indicates  the  seniority  of  the  Battalion
               (yellow, red, green, blue).

               40 SAR

                                                              The  42nd  Battalion  Singapore  Armoured
                                                              Regiment’s Colours bears the number “42” at
                                                              the top left corner of the field background and
                                                              the frills are green. The late President of the
                                                              Republic  of  Singapore,  Dr.  B.H.  Sheares,
                                                              presented the Regimental  Colours to  the 42
               The  40  SAR  Regimental  Colours  was
               presented to the Battalion by the late President   SAR  on  6  November  1977  at  the  Selarang
               of  the  Republic  of  Singapore,  Dr.  B.  H.   Barracks.
               Sheares on 6 November 1977 at the Selarang
               Barracks. The Colours bears the number “40”
               the top left corner of the field background and
               the frills are yellow.
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