Page 77 - MustangEbook
P. 77

46 SAR                                         means  “First  in  the  East”  and  serves  as  a
                                                              constant impetus to the Artillery to maintain
                                                              her lead as the oldest and finest Support Arms
                                                              in the SAF.

                                                              The Singapore Artillery was awarded with the
                                                              State Colours and Regimental Colours at the
                                                              Presentation and Trooping of Colours Parade
                                                              on  22  January  1977  at  the  Jurong  Town

                                                              Stadium. The late President of the Republic of
                                                              Singapore,  Dr.  B.H.  Sheares,  presented  the
               The  46th  Battalion  Singapore  Armoured      Colours.
               Regiment’s Colours bears the number “46”at
               the top left corner of the field background and   A new Regimental Colours was presented to
               the frills are blue. The late President  of the   HQ SA by the late President of the Republic
               Republic  of  Singapore  Mr.  Wee  Kim  Wee,   of  Singapore,  Mr  Wee  Kim  Wee  on  the
               presented the Regimental  Colours to  the 46   Retirement  and  Presentation  of  Colours
               SAR on 20 October 1991 at the Retirement       Parade  on  20  October  1991  held  at  Khatib
               and Presentation of Colours Parade at Khatib   Camp.

                                                              HEADQUARTERS, COMBAT
               HEADQUARTERS, SINGAPORE                        ENGINEERS

                                                              The brown field background colour represents

               The  Bomb,  which  is  the  ultimate  weapon   the  harsh  terrain  which  Engineers  must
               delivered for the destruction of the enemy, is   advance  through  and  overcome.  The  Castle
               positioned  above  the  crossed  cannons.  This   motif represents the construction capabilities
               also symbolises the accuracy, timeliness and   of  the  Combat  Engineers,  which  is  to
               firepower of all Artillery Units. The Red field   construct bridges, roads and to erect obstacles
               background  of  the  Colours  signifies  the   to  impede  the  enemy  and  fortifications  to
               firepower  of  the  Singapore  Artillery.  The   protect  our  own  forces.  The  interlocking
               Blue  background  depicts  royalty  and        bricks represent the strength, endurance and
               distinction.  The  Gold  symbolises  loyalty  to   the  level  of  absolute  teamwork  required  to
               the  President,  the  Unit  and  the  manoeuvre   accomplish the engineering tasks.
               force. The motto “In Oriente Primus” in Latin
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