Page 79 - MustangEbook
P. 79
contributed to various operations, both locally Together, they depict a unified, Tri-service
and overseas. They include providing support Medical Corps serving the entire SAF. The
to local high security events with Intelligence State Arms surmounts their Insignia.
Surveillance Teams, deploying Imagery
Analysis Teams in Afghanistan for The Regimental Colours was presented to
Operations Blue Ridge and in Kuwait for the HQMC by the late President of the Republic
Defeat-ISIS coalition; and supporting SAF of Singapore, Mr. Wee Kim Wee during the
humanitarian assistance and disaster relief SAF Day Parade on 1 July 1993 at Khatib
efforts during the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, Camp.
2009 Sumatra earthquake, and the 2011
Christchurch earthquake. The red background HEADQUARTERS, MAINTENANCE
colour represents the Army, whilst the white AND ENGINEERING SUPPORT
background colour reflects the purity and
objectivity of Army's Intelligence
assessments, and the professionalism of its
In the Maintenance and Engineering Support
(MES) emblem, the Rifle and Spanner
symbolise the importance of maintenance and
engineering support to any Army operations.
The Headquarters Medical Corps Colours has The Gear represents the progression,
the emblem of the SAF Medical Services dedication and unity in providing continuous
superimposed onto the colours of the Army, Army maintenance and engineering support.
Navy and Air Force. Two Serpents entwining The Atom denotes the core of engineering
the Sword and Anchor are representations of and technical professionals in the MES
the ancient Caduceus which symbolises the Formation, dedicated to providing responsive
medical profession. and cost-effective solutions to maintenance
and technical problems. The Laurels
The Caduceus (a rod entwined by two snakes represent the attainment and improvement of
topped with a pair of wings) is regarded as the quality services and professional standards
magic staff of the Greek god Hermes and is achieved by the formation as well as its
often associated with medicine via alchemy. continuous drive towards excellence. The
The SAF Medical Corps thus uses the MES motto “Excellence through
entwined snakes but replaces the rod with an Professionalism” has spurred on countless
Army sword, Air Force wings and Naval MES personnel in their pursuit to improve
anchor. The emblem colour, maroon operations and services.
represents the life-saving colour of blood.