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3/1/24, 11:22 AM         Dubai Municipality launches updated ‘Knowledge and Innovation Strategy’ and ‘Knowledge and Innovation Charter’

        H.E. Al Hajri said: "In line with our commitment to fostering a culture of leadership and
        innovation and coinciding with the UAE Innovation Month 2024, we have launched the

        ‘Knowledge and Innovation Strategy’ and the ‘Knowledge and Innovation Charter’ within

        Dubai Municipality. This initiative is in accordance with our Strategic Plan 2022-2026,
        which aims to stay updated with the rapid growth and development of Dubai.”

        H.E. Al-Hajri further emphasized that the innovation system holds top priority within
        municipal strategies and plans. It involves permanent investments, development, and

        ensuring sustainability to meet future challenges. This can be achieved through programs

        and initiatives aimed at nurturing talent, enhancing skills, and providing a supportive and
        stimulating environment for young and creative energies, empowering them to implement

        their ideas and contribute to the creation of sustainable solutions for the future.

        A pioneering strategy

        The focus of the updated ‘Knowledge and Innovation Strategy’ is devised to strengthen

        governance and processes of knowledge management and innovation, aligning with best

        global practices and standards. It further seeks to diversify and expedite the innovation
        portfolio to bolster municipal competitiveness, foster strategic partnerships and cultivate a

        culture of collaboration and complementarity through knowledge sharing and lifelong
        learning approaches. The key objective is to highlight sustainable growth of knowledge

        assets within the municipal framework.

        Additionally, it aims to increase intellectual capital and promote intellectual property,
        further advancing research and studies development, institutional learning, and the

        adoption of best practices within the municipality. It also involves leveraging advanced
        technologies and digital systems, harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence and

        cutting-edge technologies to enhance overall outcomes. Furthermore, the initiative aims…  3/5
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