Page 219 - National Electrical Price Guide
P. 219

                                                UNDERGROUND CONDUIT
                                            WITH CONCRETE ENCASEMENT

                             CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE FOR 100 FEET OF TRENCH

                  A         B          C         D        E          F           G            H              J

                                        Table of approximate cubic yards of concrete for 100 feet of
                                        trench with 3 inches of concrete on sides, top and bottom.

               Duct Formation                A        B        C       D        E       F        G       H        J
                No. of Ducts                 2        3        4       6        8       9            12           16            20

                                                    1" Separation of Conduit

                             2              2.4      3.1     3.3      4.1      4.9     5.1      6.1      7.3     8.5
                 Size        3              3.0      3.9     4.2      5.3      6.4     6.7      8.1      9.8    11.3
                  of         3-1/2          3.3      4.3     4.6      5.9      7.2     7.5      9.1     11.0    12.9
                Conduit      4              3.6      4.7     5.0      6.5      7.9     8.3     10.1     12.2    14.5
                             4-1/2          3.9      5.1     5.5      7.1      8.7     9.2     11.3     13.6    16.0
                             5              4.2      5.5     6.2      7.8      9.6    10.0     12.2     15.0    17.8

                                                  1-1/2" Separation of Conduit
                             2              2.6      3.3     3.6      4.6      5.7     5.9      7.3      8.9    10.5
                 Size        3              3.2      4.1     4.5      5.9      7.3     7.6      9.4     11.8    13.7
                  of         3-1/2          3.5      4.5     5.0      6.5      8.1     8.6     10.5     13.1    15.5
                Conduit      4              3.7      5.0     5.4      7.2      8.9     9.5     11.7     14.4    17.2
                             4-1/2          4.0      5.3     6.2      7.9      9.8    10.3     12.9     16.2    19.2
                             5              4.4      5.8     6.5      8.6     10.7    11.3     14.1     17.5    21.0

                                                    2" Separation of Conduit
                             2              2.7      3.5     3.9      5.2      6.4     6.8      8.5     10.5    12.5
                 Size        3              3.3      4.4     4.9      6.5      8.1     8.7     10.8     13.5    16.2
                  of         3-1/2          3.6      4.8     5.4      7.2      9.2     9.7     12.1     15.1    18.2
                Conduit      4              3.8      5.2     5.9      7.9      9.9    10.6     13.3     16.7    20.1
                             4-1/2          4.2      5.6     6.4      8.7     10.9    12.6     14.6     18.3    22.0
                             5              4.5      6.1     7.0      9.4     11.8    12.7     16.0     20.1    24.2

                                                    3" Separation of Conduit
                             2              2.9      4.4     4.6      6.4      8.1     8.9     11.1     14.1    17.2
                 Size        3              3.5      4.9     5.7      7.8     10.0    10.9     13.9     17.8    21.6
                  of         3-1/2          3.8      5.4     6.3      8.7     11.1    12.0     15.4     19.7    24.0
                Conduit      4              4.2      5.8     6.8      9.5     12.1    13.1     16.8     21.6    26.3
                                        4-1/2  4.5   6.2     7.4     10.3     13.2    14.2     18.3     23.5    28.7
                             5              4.8      6.7     7.9     11.1     14.2    15.5     19.9     25.5    32.5

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