Page 12 - Fins Magazine: Fins Magazine Issue #4
P. 12

f    i  n     f   u     n m              o     m      m      y       &       m         e
                 finfun mommy &  me

 ARTICLE:  Finfun Mommy & Me  by
 Mermaid Storm   Since  the  creation  of  the  Fin  Fun  Mermaid   As  time  went  on  Eva  and  her  mom  began

                                                                  to  realize  some  of  the  difficulties  with  the
          tail brand in 2010, Fin Fun has become one
          of the most popular tails in the Merfolk Com-           tail.  Mainly trying to get the heel straps to
          munity!                                                 stay on her as she was still learning the flu-
                                                                  id movements of swimming like a mermaid.
          Fins magazine was excited to be able to team            But  with  every  kick  the  monofin  would  slip
          up with Fin Fun mermaid tails and Hurricane             and twist and fall off and several times the
          Eva to bring you an article all about Fin Fun.          tail itself would twist and become dangerous
                                                                  to wear. Hurricane Eva always stayed safe
          Let’s start at the beginning.......                     due to her floatation device she always wore
          March 19th, 2018 Evangeline St. Martin’s 4th            while swimming with or without a tail. Soon
          birthday party.  Miss Eva decided she want-             this problem became too much for Miss Eva
          ed a mermaid unicorn birthday party. Inviting           to handle and she didn’t want to swim in her
          local mermaids to come out. Little Eva was              tail any more.
          gifted  her  first  mermaid  tail  by  her  mother
          Mermaid Storm.                                          Frustrated and upset that this little mermaid
                                                                  was  giving  up  her  dreams  due  to  monofin
          The tail was standard pink Swimtails with a             straps not staying on. Mermaid Storm began
          children’s finis mono fin.  Despite being the           to search for a better option for her little Hur-
          standard tail,  Little Eva’s face just lit up when      ricane.  And it wasn’t too long before she set-
          she unwrapped it. No child could have been              tled on Fin Fun tails.
          happier than Eva was in that moment. Thus,
          the Mermaid Hurricane Eva was born.                     After reading FinFun’s very informative web-
                                                                  site  she  learned  that  their  goals  were  first
                                                                  and foremost the safety of those swimming in
                                                                  their tails.  At that point it became very appar-
                                                                  ent that this was the tail and monofin aligned
                                                                  with safety and her little finlet’s ease of use.

                                                                  ♦Picking the right tail
                                                                  With so many options, FinFun mermaid tails
                                                                  is sure to have something for everyone.  And
                                                                  with prices starting at $29.99 now everyone
                                                                  has the opportunity to be a mermaid or mer-

                                                                  The Hurricane and Mermaid Storm would
                                                                  scroll through their easy to use website.
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