Page 43 - Fins Magazine: Fins Magazine Issue #4
P. 43

was leaving, she said “I wish I could do that, but no  though it seemed like a small decision.   Most of
     one wants to see these rolls in a tail.” It absolutely  our members are involved to a greater or lesser
     devastated me, but gave me my core motivation for  degree in conservation efforts in their areas, and
     why I was starting a Pod. I imagined a place where  we wanted to honor that. We were looking for
     mers encouraged one another, loved one another  something that wouldn’t feed into the fast fashion
     no matter what our individual hurdles were.              waste industry. We found it by working with artist
                                                              Alex  Eaves of Reuse  Apparel.  Each garment we
                               The most important thing  rescue and reprint saves 713 gallons of water. It is
                               was building each other up  something we are so excited to have been able to
                               and being a community.  do.
                               I  decided that  I  could
                               do that, and if I waited,  It isn’t always fun of course. It can be taxing,
                               someone else might not  especially at first, to navigate running meetups,
                               have that reason always in  discovering  merverts,  and  how  best  to  handle
                               the forefront.                 disagreements between members. But the vastness
                                                              of the good far outweighs the rough spots in the
                               The Illinois Pod has grown  road. Whether you join a pod or decide to start
                               a lot in the two years since  one, my hope and wish for you is that you find
                               the group first formed  your family.
                               in 2018.  Having that
                               foundational motivation
                               has helped to influence
                               and shape the ways in              Whimzsea the Hydro Mermaid
                               which  we  grow.  We  are          Illinois Merpod Flounder
                               always a family first, a                                        FB: theillinoismerpod
                               business second.                                  

                                                                             Mermaid Whimzsea is  the coordinator and flounder of the Illinois
                               When we first started                         Merpod.  A professional mermaid, her passion and drive for the fan-
                                                                             tastical is unmatched.  Lover of all things extraordinary and a fierce
                               to grow and gain a lot                        believer in creating joy whenever possible.
     of new members, there was a lot of interest in
     merchandise for us. It was a crossroads, even
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