Page 48 - Fins Magazine: Fins Magazine Issue #4
P. 48

The Ligurian Pod
          The Ligurian P              od

          The Ligurian Pod is a project born
          from three friends whom we can say
          come from the sea: Clanchan a pro-
          fessional photographer and designer
          in the human world, Joji a performer
          capable of dominating the elements of
          fire and air with his aerial and fire
          lights shows and Kassandra a free div-
          er and model who dabbles in chemis-
          try when on land.

                                                                   What  unites  them  is  their  love  for
                                                                   the sea as they were born and raised
                                                                   through its waves. Having fins and
                                                                   scales brought them together in this
                                                                   adventure called Ligurian Pod.

                                                                   The pod is the first Ligurian mer-
                                                                   folk community-based in Italy that
                                                                   rose in their mind when they start-
                                                                   ed realizing that, what they were
                                                                   building, had much more in it than
                                                                   just being a group of friends swim-
                                                                   ming together.

                                                                   In a little time, the pod grew big
                                                                   with many other mermaids joining.

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