Page 5 - RHSE Induction Toolkit Word V.2
P. 5

  The Risk and Central Services team
                                                                                   consists of the Planning team,
                                    David has worked for Co-op for                Programme Management Office (PMO)
                                     over 20 years and started as a                and the Risk, Health, Safety and                     The Construction and Property
                                     store manager.                                Environment (RHSE) team.                              Commercial team deliver new
                                    David is very passionate about                These units work together to identify                builds, acquisition, refits and
                                     growing our food estate whilst                future projects, manage the programme                 planned and un-planned asset
                                     delivering the highest                        and delivery, set standards to adhere to              replacement across food,
                                     standards of health and safety.               and inspect/audit the supply chain.                   funeral care and logistics.

                                                                                  Property, Strategy & Development

                                                                                   PSAD manage the non-trading estate
                                    Finance oversee Property                      (Over 4000 sites)                                   FM manage the upkeep of our
                                     related financial budgets (total              Acquire land and buildings for future Co-          stores, funeral homes, depots
                                     value of £0.8bn)                              op shops / funeral homes                            and offices
                                    Produce forecast for financial                                                                    Monitor asset availability, and
                                     planning                                                                                          track contractors to ensure
                                    Monitor and report on                                                                             issues are fixed quickly
                                     Property spending

               Co-op Property RHSE Induction
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