Page 72 - Issue 45
P. 72


                IS NOT A


                We at Rust is NOT a              ey everyone, Kyle here, this issue I wanted to
                Crime would like to
                thank everyone for their         focus on one of my favorite parts of our culture:
                continued support. We   H
                                                 Pinstriping. So often in the Rat Rod scene, the
                are planning on getting
                to more car shows this           vehicles are so extravagant that we miss some of
                year and hope to see you
                there with us. We are still      the greatest parts, the details that make the car,
                having more fun than we   truck, or motorcycle unique. Pinstriping can take a work
                should with this and just
                wanted to thank you all   of art and make it just that much better.

                                         Here are some reasons to pinstripe your vehicle

                                              One of the reason to pinstripe your vehicle is fashion. You can make it
                                         1. look better than before by adding beautiful colors and art.

                                               If there are small dents that you want to hide, then there isn’t any better
                                        2. way than pinstripes. Not only you will be hiding those dents, but also will
                                             be decorating the vehicle to look better than before.
                Here are some of
                the images I have
                taken over the last           If you want to invest money on decoration of your car, then it can be
                few years, I hope       3. done cheaply. Pinstripe vehicle and you will be saving a lot of money.
                you enjoy.
                                               Pinstripes can stay on your car for a long time, means a onetime solution
                Kyle Cross & The
                Rust is Not a Crime      4. that will last for many years.

                              Written by Kyle Cross  •  Photos by Kyle Cross


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