Page 70 - Issue 45
P. 70
Notice how
Sheet Metal Roller: the bare steel Planishing hammer” or “English wheel”:
» Used to cleanly roll/radius sheet metal. tunnel (Cone) » Used to rapidly stretch and shape
They slowly “stretch” the metal around is completely compound curves much faster & more
smooth other than
round roller tubes. the beadrolls- this accurately than a hammer & sandbag.
was done with
a sheet metal
» Rolling Cones: Cones are often used for roller. While the » The size/shape (radius) of the shaping anvil
black painted
transmission tunnels and other odd shaped transmission used is the most important aspect of using
fl oor pans, custom exhaust, etc. This can tunnel (Cone) either of these tools.
was done using
be a diffi cult process, but with a sheet a sheet metal
metal roller, a short piece of angle iron and break and doing » The second most important is the direction
slow incremental
a vise grip it can be done on your own. I bends. that the material is fed into the machine-
recommend doing research on laying out a experiment and you will see what I mean.
cone, and then watching a YouTube video
on the actual rolling process- that’s how I learned. » The time savings here is huge, but make sure
you have a good pair of ear muffs and a decent air
A more backyard way to do it is bending in increments compressor for a planishing hammer.
on a break (with tighter/closer bends on the smaller Planishing hammer pictured page 71.
radius side). I have also done similar process by bending
my material over a piece of 8” PVC or
Notice the
appropriate sized round material. “stretching” of
the material that
is occurring in
Shrinker/Stretcher: this photo, which
is forming a slight
» A manual jaw type unit that curve in the 90*
actually grabs and stretches and/or steel angle.
shrinks the material. These are most
often used on fl anges and parts that
need a nice uniform curve where
bends have already been formed.
68x71tinman.indd 70 8/1/17 9:37 PM