Page 80 - Issue 45
P. 80
from Pastor David
“Is the Plug in the Boat?”
n the last issue, we and women who struggle through
pondered over how our this life searching for that person God
Father knew us before designed them to be. I hear all the
Iwe were formed in our time, “I have asked God to take this
away and it has just not happened.”
mother’s womb and how It was our choice to begin a certain
He spoke goodness into us behavior, habit or way… is our choice into its rightful place keeping me afl oat
into its rightful place keeping me afl oat
and how He destined us for to stop it. and most importantly on my intended
One night I was having a little
greatness and to be righteous conversation with Him about this mission.
Doing life with Him is much better
citizens of The Kingdom. whole thing and a sentence popped than doing it alone.
He built us for greatness. He into my head like an old song This is just a suggestion but it is
wired us, fabricated us, for sometimes does. something I am personally not likely to
great things. I am speaking “Is the plug in the boat?” stop doing. One thing I have noticed is
I stopped dead in my tracks. This
Jesus-like outcomes. However, wasn’t a directing command. It was that the more often I choose His way,
even though we might not not controlling nor was it manipulative. the easier it is the next time around.
Talk with Him. “Is the plug in your
always adhere to this blueprint, . . It was just a sweet thought a friend boat?”
He will never leave us standing would say to another friend out of love.
there alone. My fi shing buddy and I do a This ole world needs hope. He wants
camping trip at least once a year away to work with you to make that happen.
from it all. After we have loaded the
Disclaimer: Keep them cards and letters coming.
Question everything written here. boat to the gunnels and are rolling it
God has given me the unique leeway to back to launch, one of us will say, “Is
write or say things for you to ponder. the plug in the boat”? I have always “God loves you so much He cannot
Please go to Him for answers. He is loved this little phrase. It is a little keep His eyes off you.”
waiting to hear from you. sentence we say to each other that
God the Father designed us to be keys us to remember to do the
in His image. We were given the stuff smart thing rather than something
that will allow us to succeed. This is that will most likely get us into
the same design Jesus had when He trouble. It is refreshing and never
was here fi ghting for our lives. No, condescending. It is something
we are not Jesus but we have the simple that just might save the day.
tools and support because of who He You know what I am talking about.
is and how much love and grace He Right then and there, I asked
lavishes upon us. Him to be that friend who whispers,
We were issued the perfect “Is the plug in the boat”? This
skillset, an incredible mind and just whisper is along the same lines
the right carriage to get us around to as how He teaches us to worship,
accomplish our specifi c mission in life. gentle but effective.
Why then is it so hard? We live in a How is it working? I made
fallen world. We have the Free Will to a place for Him and true to His
choose to live by the world’s standards promises He has come through.
or by God’s. God does not dictate Just as I am about to sink myself,
how we live. He will not control us or there is that gentle yet fi rm whisper
manipulate us into His will. He loves us that leaves me with a decision.
that much. Remember, I still have a free will. I
I have had the incredible privilege can ignore the whisper or I can
to be friends with all sorts of men change my heading and put the plug
80 Word.indd 80 8/1/17 10:00 PM