Page 25 - Issue 34
P. 25

I   f y                                          build-off is the budget. And that’s ok. Our stance on
                    f you’re not familiar with our ou’re not familiar with our
                                                                 the budget is and has always been – build the best
                    build-off, let me bring you up
                    build-off, let me bring you up
                                                                 damn rat rod or bike you can, while spending as
                I to speed…
                    to speed…
                                                                 little money as possible. We’re not going to police
                    The challenge? Build a rat rod or a bike in he challenge? Build a rat rod or a bike in   the hell out of it. No receipts, no nit-picking. Just
                 30 days with a $3000 budget. Then, drive your   common sense. Our judges pay close attention and
                 30 days with a $3000 budget. Then, drive your
                 entry from Grafton IL to St Louis MO as part of   understand the value of components – it’s up to the
                 entry from Grafton IL to St Louis MO as part of
                 the two-day event doubleheader. Inspired by a
                 the two-day event doubleheader. Inspired by a   builders to convince them of their expenditures. We
                 distaste for other kitschy TV build-offs, our focus   use a “perceived value” system – what is the part
                 distaste for other kitschy TV build-offs, our focus
                 is on the average Joe builder and a blue-collar
                 is on the average Joe builder and a blue-collar   worth used, on the open market, rebuilt, refabbed,
                 approach. Names are drawn randomly during the   crafted from scratch, or in some cases as scrap?
                 winter from a pool of entries. (anyone can enter)   Did a builder haggle his way to a nice deal? Did
                 winter from a pool of entries. (anyone can enter)
                 The rat rod category is self-explanatory – as long
                 The rat rod category is self-explanatory – as long he rat rod category is self-explanatory – as long
                 T                                               he trade something? Resourcefulness is a big deal
                 as it’s safe, represents rat rod culture, and meets   here. The goal is to end up with a vehicle worth way
                 as it’s safe, represents rat rod culture, and meets
                   build-off criteria, it’s in the game. On the bike
                   build-off criteria, it’s in the game. On the bike   more than $3000. If you can build a $15,000 rat rod
                         side, Raw Bike Magazine is looking for the   and only spend $3000 in materials – you’ve done
                        best representation of a home-built bike.   something right. The other thing to understand
                        Because it is paired with rat rods, there is a   about the budget is that labor is always free. Many
                       bit of a misperception that this is a rat bike   times people will question things that LOOK like
                       competition. It is not. This could be a bobber,   they are expensive… but they only look that way
                      chopper – anything home-built really. Can   because the builder has put a lot of hours into it.
                      you bring a rat bike to the table? Absolutely…   Craftsmanship goes a long way! Our judges also
                     but the focus here is home-built, regardless of   give some room for safety components. If someone
                     style/type. The winners of both classes appear
                     style/type. The winners of both classes appear   blew their budget to reinforce safety, there is
                    on their respective magazine covers (Rat Rod
                    on their respective magazine covers (Rat Rod   defi nitely some forgiveness there.
                    and Raw Bike) while the rest of the award-
                    and Raw Bike) while the rest of the award-
                   winners earn full features. Winning builders can   Judging
                   winners earn full features. Winning builders can
                   only participate for two consecutive years and   Our judging process is designed to be transparent
                   only participate for two consecutive years and
                  then cannot compete for three years. This is to
                  then cannot compete for three years. This is to   and fair. Judges panels are made up of 7 to 10
                  ensure that one builder does not win year after
                  ensure that one builder does not win year after   judges plus the public vote. (The public vote is
                 year after year, and it gives new builders a chance
                 year after year, and it gives new builders a chance   equal to one judge’s scorecard and is applied to
                 to get into the mix.
                 to get into the mix.                            the Overall Champion tally.) Each judge compiles
                   The Build-Off is all about comradery and
                   The Build-Off is all about comradery and      his own top-three choices for each category. Each
                 experience. We don’t have big money to dish out   vote (1st, 2nd, 3rd) is worth a numeric value. When
                 or lavish prizes. What we have, is a weekend full of   all judges have cast their votes, the numbers
                 fellowship and fun – and magazine coverage that   are added up and winners are declared. In case
                 will last a lifetime. We do everything in our power to   of a tie in any given category, another judge is
                 keep things mellow. We don’t want the TV drama,   brought in to cast a tiebreaking vote. Neither
                 the pageantry, and the “fake” crap that rubbed us   magazine casts a vote… all editors remain neutral.
                 wrong in the fi rst place. All of these builders and the   The international awards are presented by their
                 builders before them are using their own resources to   respective representatives, per their “choice.” It’s
                 make this happen – a sacrifi ce of money and time and   all pretty simple and straight-forward. We don’t
                 everything that comes with it. THAT is what makes   want BS or drama, just a good old-fashioned
                 this such an amazing competition to be a part of.  competition where everyone walks away proud
                                                                 of what they’ve done and have hopefully
                 The Budget                                      experienced something positive that they will
 2013 WINNER • CHRIS WALKER   The biggest source of contention throughout the   carry with them for the rest of their lives.

                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     25

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