Page 5 - Issue 34
P. 5

Deja Vu: For
                                                                                                  the second
                                                                                                  year in a
                                                                                                  row I stand
                                                                                                  with Gary
                                                                                                  Fisher and his
                                                                                                  winning rat
                                                                                                  rod build.

                              this thing to showcase the home-builder, and each year we have done o showcase the home-builder, and each year we have done
                              this thing t
                              just that. With every new group of builders we see the uniqueness that
                              makes the rat rod community so vibrant. And the bikes? WOW. Year
                              one nobody made it on the bike side… and that was tough. Well, Jerry
                              and Tracy rallied the troops and man have we ever been treated to
                              some amazing builds since. All across the board we have seen awesome
                              craftsmanship and visions – and you know what? As tense and stressful
                              as the Build-Off is for everybody, I’m not sure we could ever function
                              without it. Yes there will always be disappointment, grumbling, and
                              opinions fl ying everywhere. That’s life. No matter who wins, there will
                              always be a contingency that disagrees, and there will always be people
                              who pick and prod and want to throw their opinions out there. I’ve
                              come to the conclusion that this is ok, and that it just means people are
                              engaged and ultimately give a damn.
                                 Takeaway #3: We are committed. If you’ve followed the magazine,
                              you probably know me fairly well. I’ve poured my guts out on these
                              pages more times than I can remember, and in a way – I’ve confi ded in
                              you even if we’ve never met. You know the person I am, and the type of
                              people we have here at RRM. You know what we’re about and why we
                              do this. You may also know Jerry and Tracy over at Raw Bike – who are
                              as genuine and down to earth as we are. It’s that family thing again…
                              we’re all in this together. And after a weekend like we just experienced,
                              I can tell you that the spirits at both magazines are high. Our
                              commitment to both respective communities is strong and unwavering.
                              So, with that sentiment in mind – I once again say thank you for being a
                              part of these magazines, these events, and ultimately – our family.
                                                                                         - Steve

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