Page 51 - Issue 39
P. 51
Like last issue, all of
this starts with a piece
of soap stone, and some
really good measurements.
The drip rails are a good
place to pull from because
they’re consistent. Find the
they’re consistent. Find the
center line from end to end
center line from end to end
and mark it and then pull 5”
and mark it and then pull 5”
off either side. If you tape
off either side. If you tape
these lines it will help you
these lines it will help you
stay true while cutting. Next
stay true while cutting. Next
repeat this process down
repeat this process down
the c
the cowl and fi rewall, and owl and fi rewall, and
the cowl and fi rewall, and
then do
then down the back. The
then down the back. The wn the back. The
next step is to start cutting
next step is to start cutting xt step is to start cutting
beginning with the top fi rst.
Although we will be removing this
ugly top in exchange for a fl at
one, for the time being, leave it.
It will stabilize the vehicle when
putting back together. Another
stabilizing trick will be to tac the
doors shut with them lined up
and the reveal the same all the
way around. Also X brace the
inside from left to right front
to back. With the 10” removed
from end to end of top and
down cowl and back, the X
braces will keep the vehicle
standing upright. I pause to
assure you that this surgery
is not as big of a deal as
you might think. If you’re
thinking about this on any
vehicle, don’t let fear stop
you. You can do it!!!!!
50x55 TommysToolbox.indd 51 8/17/16 7:20 AM