Page 59 - Issue 47
P. 59

Cool It,

 Hot Heads!                                                                             RINGRODS.COM

                                                                                         TOMMY RING


                                   Today or tonight we will         and if you get the one for V8 mustangs, it will do
                                                                    and if you get the one for V8 mustangs, it will do
                                 cover the gamut on cooling         the job just fi ne.
                                down that cool rod of yours.           Now on to setting it up. Measure the center of
                                For starters, on a low budget       the frame in front and the center of your radiator
                                you can’t exactly spend fi ve        and make a chalk mark on each one. To get the
                                hundred dollars on a cooling        proper height, set your radiator on a stack of
                                system. However, there are some     blocks to start with and get your center marks
                               things you can do to make it         lined up. Take a 4’ level with one end sitting on
                               work on a shoe string. On the        the cowl and the other on the radiator. If you’re
                               Willys we’re doing, we’re running    running a straight axle as we are, the radiator will
                               a 30’s grill shell. This alone limits   need to sit on the inside of the frame. The radiator
                               your options. Most of all, radiators   can sit level with the cowl or better still, just below
                              are too large to fi t inside those     it by a couple of inches. This doesn’t matter much
                              old grills and the small ones that    if you’re running fenders and a dog house but if
                              will fi t the compact cars types.      not, it does.
                              These radiators will not cool that       If you look at the side profi le of a hotrod and
                              V8. The one radiator that will cool   the radiator is taller than the cowl, it’s a mighty ugly
                             that V8 and is also very reasonable    sight. With the radiator sitting on the right amount of
                             is a 1964-1967 Mustang radiator.       blocks to sit right with the cowl. Now you are ready
                             You can fi nd them at AutoZone          for your side mounts. Some little ⁄2” x ⁄2” or even 1” x
                             for about $130.00. You can also        1” angle iron will work great. Measure from the frame
                             fi nd one for the $20-$30 range at      top to the top holes and after you have leveled the
                            a swap meet. They measure 17”x21”       radiator, these pieces can be tack welded on. The

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