Page 80 - Issue 33
P. 80

Something to ponder

                                                   from Pastor David

                      oses came down from the mountain with the Ten   steadfast beliefs.  Fear of the unknown can twist things way
                      Commandments and a message for the people.  It   out of proportion in a fl ash if we let it.
                      was, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and   Some use the word intolerance for anything or anyone who
               M with all your soul and with all your strength.”    challenges the path they are locked on.  We might even think
                   Years later Jesus spoke this from The Father to the   there is prejudice involved and allow our hair to stand up ready
                people.  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and   to trash the person without a second thought.  I recently saw
                with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the fi rst and   someone get over-torqued about something and slammed
                greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: Love your   their close friend without even talking to them and all this over
                neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets hang on   a false rumor.  Come on folks.  Relationships are precious.
                these two commandments.”                                        “It is easy to show love when we are all in
                   Please understand that I am not                            agreement, but when we are not happy with
                attempting to dumb down God’s Word but                        choices, directions, change -- that’s when we
                to me what is being said here is “Love me.                    need to love each other the most.  Disagreeing
                Love each other”.  And by the way, I believe                  without dividing -- that is a challenge many of
                He is almost pleading with us to love like this               us face today.  Even though we don’t see every
                not because He is a tyrant but because He is                  issue through the same eyes, we can work
                our Father and He loves us more than we will                  together in harmony.” R.O.
                ever comprehend.                                                I have heard relationships are fragile.   If the
                   Under the old, was the Law.  The main                      relationship is based on loving each other then
                focus on people’s minds was survival.  By                     it is built on rock instead of sand.  I submit to
                survival, I mean, they were striving (in vain)                you that if you are walking on ball bearings
                with all their strength to live up to these                   the entire time you are with someone then
                commandments.  Not one made it but strive they did.      something isn’t right.  Don’t run from confrontation.  Face it
                   Jesus came and paid the penalty for us and with that act   straight on with love and between the two of you work it out.
                brought grace and mercy formed out of the Love who He is.    Speaking of “turning the other cheek”, I have caught
                He said love each other.                          myself fl ippantly saying that if someone slaps me, I just might
                   This simple message is so profoundly simple that I think   refl exively slap them back.  But, if someone starts in on me
                we, on the most part, miss it all together.       -- after I take a breath -- I can see that something is troubling
                   With that said, here it comes… I propose to you that it   them and it probably has nothing to do with me at all.  I let
                is absolutely possible, through love, to keep and cherish a   them get it out and then start a conversation.  Almost without
                relationship even though you do not agree with someone.  I   fail, the person will spit the real problem out at your feet.  It is
                know….. We can pause here a minute or so while you regroup.
                know….. We can pause here a minute or so while you regroup.    what you do next that can change the day.
                                                                  what you do next that can change the day.
                   I hope you didn’t tear out this page and move on to   What if God almighty sends people to you because He
                                                                     What if God almighty sends people to you because He
                   I hope you didn’t tear out this page and move on to
                Tommy’s article.                                  chose you to give them something to ease their pain?
                                                                  chose you to give them something to ease their pain?
                                                                     “We need each other. Unity always depends on a true
                   The truth is, I love confrontation.  How else do you get to
                   The truth is, I love confrontation.  How else do you get to   “We need each other. Unity always depends on a true
                                                                  diversity. It is important that we face our differences in
                know someone deeper than their surface unless you fi nd out
                know someone deeper than their surface unless you fi nd out   diversity. It is important that we face our differences in
                what their core beliefs are?  More often than not, what others
                what their core beliefs are?  More often than not, what others   love. We must, in love, take the time to listen, to give the
                                                                  love. We must, in love, take the time to listen, to give the
                                                                   benefi t of the doubt and to reconsider our own position.
                think about an issue is not worth losing them over.  Yes this is
                think about an issue is not worth losing them over.  Yes this is   benefi t of the doubt and to reconsider our own position.
                a disposable world but we can choose not to be so quick
                a disposable world but we can choose not to be so quick   Disagreement doesn’t have to lead to division. But it
                                                                      Disagreement doesn’t have to lead to division. But it
                can’t we?  People…. we keep an old piece of rusty metal   should lead to open, honest dialogue. ‘The greatest of
                can’t we?  People…. we keep an old piece of rusty metal
                                                                        should lead to open, honest dialogue. ‘The greatest of
                for a Rat Rod but will throw a friend                             these is love’”.
                for a Rat Rod but will throw a friend
                                                                                  these is love’”.
                away?  I think not. There are a
                away?  I think not. There are a                                           Note:  Thank you so much
                                                                                          Note:  Thank you so much
                                                                                           for your kind words and
                few family members in my
                few family members in my                                                   for your kind words and
                                                                                              comments through
                life I do not agree with                                                      comments through
                life I do not agree with
                                                                                                letters, emails and
                at all politically but
                at all politically but                                                          letters, emails and
                they are absolutely
                they are absolutely                                                               face-to-face on
                my brothers and                                                                    the street.  They
                sisters and I                                                                      make my ole
                love them more                                                                     heart soar.  You
                than I can tell                                                                    can reach me at
                you here in a                                                                      RDavid@Moulder
                few words.  The                                                         
                trick is not being so
                trick is not being so                                                               God loves you so
                                                                                               much He cannot keep
                easily offended or too
                easily offended or too                                                         much He cannot keep
                                                                                             His eyes off of you.
                compelled to defend our                                                      His eyes off of you.
                compelled to defend our
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