Page 22 - Issue 49
P. 22

                 JOSH                       body has received some eceived some
                                            body has r
                 JOSH loves him some  loves him some  loves him some  loves him some  loves him some
                                            body has received some
                 military vehicles and this
                 military vehicles and this   massaging. While the cab
                                            massaging. While the cab
                 one is no exception. What
                                            was chopped six inches,
                 one is no exception. What   was chopped six inches,
                                            the doors were raised
                 you see here is a ‘46 Willys   the doors were raised
                 you see here is a ‘46 Willys
                                            three inches to keep the
                 military-spec half-ton     three inches to keep the
                 military-spec half-ton
                                            height of the windows
                 pickup. He’s had it for over   height of the windows
                 pickup. He’s had it for over
                                            consistent with the
                 ten years and he’s going   consistent with the
                 ten years and he’s going
                                            height of the windshield.
                 to have it for many more.
                 to have it for many more.   height of the windshield.
                                            There’s some more deuce
                 You know you’re attached
                 You know you’re attached   There’s some more deuce
                                            infl uence in the form of
                 to a vehicle when you’ve   infl uence in the form of
                 to a vehicle when you’ve
                                            the rear window that was
                 put fi ve different engines
                 put fi ve different engines   the rear window that was
                 into it. In fact, he says
                 into it. In fact, he says   transplanted into the cab.
                                            transplanted into the cab.
                 he was once offered
                 he was once offered
                                            WILLY’S MANY HEARTS
                 stupid money for it while   WILLY’S MANY HEARTS
                 stupid money for it while
                 it was between engine      Of the fi ve engines Josh
                 it was between engine
                                            Of the fi ve engines Josh
                 and suspension changes
                 and suspension changes     has had in Willy, none
                                            has had in Willy, none
                 and he simply told the
                 and he simply told the     have been a V8. The
                                            have been a V8. The
                 interested party to “go
                 interested party to “go    present powerplant is
                                            present powerplant is
                 f*ck himself”. That’s
                                            a Ford 2.3 four banger
                 f*ck himself”. That’s      a Ford 2.3 four banger
                 true love.                 that pumps out well in
                 true love.
                                            that pumps out well in
                    The last build of Josh’s
                                            excess of 300 horsepower.
                    The last build of Josh’s   excess of 300 horsepower.
                 that we featured was       Those who remember
                 that we featured was
                                            Those who remember
                                            the SVO Mustangs and
                 a reconfi gured M35, or
                 a reconfi gured M35, or     the SVO Mustangs and
                 ‘deuce and a half’, as     Turbo Thunderbirds of the
                 ‘deuce and a half’, as
                                            Turbo Thunderbirds of the
                 they are more commonly     mid-’80’s know that these
                 they are more commonly
                                            mid-’80’s know that these
                 called, and this little Willys   powerplants can put out
                 called, and this little Willys
                                            powerplants can put out
                 shares some of that DNA.   some serious power, get
                 shares some of that DNA.
                                            some serious power, get
                 Well, mainly because       awesome gas mileage,
                 Well, mainly because
                                            awesome gas mileage,
                                            and last forever. It sports
                 there’s some automotive
                 there’s some automotive    and last forever. It sports
                 gene splicing going on.
                 gene splicing going on.    a T3 turbo, roller cam,
                                            a T3 turbo, roller cam,
                                            a ported and polished
                 The bed was made from      a ported and polished
                 The bed was made from
                 discarded sheet metal
                 discarded sheet metal      head, and Stinger PiMPxs
                                            head, and Stinger PiMPxs
                                            fuel injection. It’s backed
                 from a deuce. On a side    fuel injection. It’s backed
                 from a deuce. On a side
                 note, because the original   by a World Class T5 trans
                 note, because the original
                                            by a World Class T5 trans
                 serial number was on
                 serial number was on       and shoots the power
                                            and shoots the power
                 those parts, Josh was able
                 those parts, Josh was able   back to a Suzuki Grand
                                            back to a Suzuki Grand
                 to utilize a deuce-specifi c
                 to utilize a deuce-specifi c   Vitara rearend.
                                            Vitara rearend.
                 website trace the vehicles
                 website trace the vehicles   You’re more apt to fi nd
                                              You’re more apt to fi nd
                                            Josh and Willy at the local
                 origins back to its original
                 origins back to its original   Josh and Willy at the local
                 deployment in Vietnam.     Wal-Mart rather than a car
                 deployment in Vietnam.
                                            Wal-Mart rather than a car
                 There’s all kinds of history   show. It’s his daily driver
                 There’s all kinds of history
                                            show. It’s his daily driver
                 in this truck as you’ll soon
                 in this truck as you’ll soon   and it was built by him, for
                                            and it was built by him, for
                                            him, to his specs and not
                 fi nd out.                  him, to his specs and not
                 fi nd out.
                    Speaking of sheet-
                    Speaking of sheet-      to impress anybody else.
                                            to impress anybody else.
                 metal, most every square   And it’s never going to
                                            And it’s never going to
                 metal, most every square
                 inch of the the Willys’
                 inch of the the Willys’    leave his sight. Ever.
                                            leave his sight. Ever.
          20x23Joyce.indd   22                                                                                 4/23/18   10:09 AM
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