Page 70 - Issue 49
P. 70

styles of IRS suspension which               >>  “Store-bought” Options:
                                                                                     each vary slightly in appearance               Heidt’s,team321, roadster
                                                                                     as well: wishbone, single trailing             shop, etc.
                                                                                     arm, multiple-link trailing arm,
                                                                                     etc. Selection here is really just a      IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of us rat-
                                                                                     matter of what will fi t best in your      rodders prefer the 15” wheel,
                                                                                     application.                              because of cost reasons.
                                                                                       I’m not sure about ya’ll, but           Unfortunately, with some modern
                                                                                     I’m not a fan of vehicles that have       IRS setups (2000 & up), wheel
                                                                                     absolutely zero backseat space or         selection will be affected by brake
                                                                                     a pickup truck that has an unusable       caliper/rotor sizing. Most modern
                                                                                     box (due to a raised box fl oor).          axles also have a wider factory
                                                                                     That being said, another important        stance, so it requires a higher
                                                                                     aspect, related to the “appearance”       offset wheel in most cases (or
                                                                                     of an IRS, is that you will not have      narrowing of axle for conventional
                                                                                     to “tub” or raise as much of your         offset wheel).
                                                                                     fl oor because the suspension travel          My Application: Because of the
                                                                                     is not present in the “pumpkin”           larger OEM brakes on the ’17 mustang
                                                                                     of the axle, but rather in the            IRS, I will be running a set of high
                                                                                     control arms. So in most cases,           offset Detroit Steel wheels; staggered
                                                                                     notching of the frame rails is all        20” rear, 18” front (It’s also a good
                                                                                     that is necessary for suspension          excuse to run a set of their bad-a$$
                                                                                     articulation, rather than cutting out     wheels).  However, if you must use a
                                                                                     excessive amounts of fl oor for the        smaller wheel, you will (most likely)
                                                                                     pumpkin/axle to slip up inside of.        want to start with an older IRS
                                                                                                                               assembly with smaller brakes.
                                                                                     The most important factors to consider
                                                                                     when purchasing an IRS are:               Installation & Technical Tips

                                                                                       >>  Width (wheel fl ange to wheel        While the installation steps of an
                                                                                          fl ange)                              IRS assembly are very similar to
                                                                                       >>  Design of arms (Upper arm in        the procedures discussed in the
                                                                                          particular, for fi tment reasons      IFS swap (previous issue #48),
                                                                                          with your full frame vehicle)        there are some very important
                                                                                       >>  Gear ratio, brakes, miles/          differences to consider. Rather
                                                                                          condition, other factors of          than basically copying & pasting
                                                                                          that model/year                      the previously discussed 10 steps, I
                                                 or part together your own, but        >>  Availability of replacement         have just added the aforementioned
                                                 that’s a hell of a lot of work and risk,   parts                              important differences below.
                     (It’s also                  when a used setup can generally be    >>  Cost: anywhere from $100-           Reference that article for more of
                 a good excuse                   purchased pretty cheap.                  $10,000                              the “basics” of a subframe swap.

                to run a set of                  Appearance                          Popular IRS Options:                      Driveshaft angle & pinion angle:
                                                                                       >>  2000’s Crown Vic
                                                 The camber is the look I am going
                                                                                                                               Driveshaft & pinion angle are always
                 their bad-a$$                   for with my particular build.         >>  70’s Jaguar                         important angles to consider when
                      wheels)                    Otherwise IRS looks essentially       >>  80’s corvette                       building a rod. While important with
                                                 the same from the outside of the
                                                                                                                               any axle, it is much easier to set with
                                                                                       >>  70’s Datsun/Nissan
                                                 vehicle, depending on the vehicle     >>  2003-2004 & 2015-2017               an IRS because the axle housing is
                                                 of course. There are a few different     Mustang (Which I am using)           mounted stationary in the vehicle (in


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