Page 66 - Issue 49
P. 66
Everything in this picture was
Everything in this picture was all the things people just throw out,
Everything in this picture was
scavenged from one single
scavenged from one single
county- cleanup adventure.
county- cleanup adventure.
but I am also grateful.
Last spring, I found a street
Last spring, I found a street
corner with a truckload of
corner with a truckload of
different car seats, bench
different car seats, bench
and even bucket seats. Not only can I use the leather,
and even bucket seats.
Spring is here, and Two of which I am using there are other materials in the
Two of which I am using
in my next rat rod build.
with that comes one in my next rat rod build. couch that we can recycle too.
of my favorite sayings… Even though they are in
Even though they are in
“Spring Cleaning!” Here in good condition, I can’t
good condition, I can’t
“Spring Cleaning!” Here in
help but to spice them
Minnesota, in almost every help but to spice them
Minnesota, in almost every
town, the Public Works up a bit. I am making
up a bit. I am making
department does a free curbside some cool leather patchwork style
department does a free curbside
“rubbish” removal for spring seat covers from an old black
cleaning. It’s a great time to drive leather couch - that was free of
up and down the neighborhoods course. There are no shortage of
scouting for incredible things people trying to get rid of couches.
that people toss to the curb. The Couches make awesome donor
schedule is posted online so you material because most times the
can see the dates and times for fabric or leather is very durable, and
each county’s pick up. One of my the foam can be added or shaped
favorite things to do is hook the for extra comfort.
trailer on my truck and make it a I fi nd leather works best, and it
day of picking adventures. can be hand sewn together or sewn
There is no telling what you with any decent sewing machine.
may fi nd - I have found tools, You just need to make sure you get
lumber, carpet, rims, tires, furniture, leather or heavy denim needles. A for storage while adding style and
paintings, tile, brick, instruments, few dollars at any fabric store. ingenuity at the same time.
compound bows, treadmills, car As well as seat covers, you I loosely fi t the material around
parts and bicycles. I have gotten can also use the couch leather for my seats and will later
gallons and gallons of paint, stain, door panels, headliners, dashes or sew everything up
and building materials. The list goes even just trim. The possibilities are and add some
on and on. There aren’t enough endless! I also like to use old leather personal touches.
pages in this magazine to try to list jackets. The jackets are great too
everything I have scored over the because you can incorporate the
years during these city spring clean pockets and zippers of the jacket
ups. Not only am I blown away by
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