Page 57 - Issue 40
P. 57

4)                    parts arrive you will want to put them on! This relates
                                           Watch TV show
                                                              to the new scenery idea, once again. Breaking things
                                           and/or video on
                                         YouTube.             down into sub-sections can also help (i.e. if you’re
                                           Again, this is     struggling with your engine, work on your suspension
                                         all stimulus based   and get that off the “list”, etc.)
                                         motivation. Living
                                         someone else is a  8)   Remember why you love cars: Make a list
                                         vicariously through
                                                                   They don’t talk back like your wife does, they
            phenomenon that has been studied for years and    are fun to drive, awesome to talk about with others,
            phenomenon that has been studied for years and
            could explain why watching your favorite YouTuber   etc. Love and passion are the most motivational
            (hopefully me LOL) or someone like Steve Darnell on   forces in the world of psychology. If the passion is
            Velocity TV can be a good motivational force.     there, the motivation can easily be brought back!

                Think about the outcomes, magazine           9)  Test drive(s)
            5)publications, friend’s reactions, car shows,         If your car is nearing completion and safe
            cruising, etc.                                    enough to drive, bring it around the block. While
               The feelings that you will get with planning/  things may break or fail, this will give you the feeling
            imagining these outcomes will translate to direct   that you are fi nally making headway on the build. It’s
            pleasure. This will, in-turn, make you feel as if the   sort of like watching yourself in the mirror while you
            car is a joy to work on, due to association with that   work-out; you can see that your hard work is doing
            pleasurable feeling. Think about how many people   something, even though it may only be apparent
            will approach you at the gas station and want to talk   when you fl ex or lift something heavy.
            to you about the ride that you have built.
                                                                   Watch Tinman 2
               Look through old pictures/videos, etc.              Kustoms on YouTube!
                                                                I have been told my videos
            6)  of the build.                                   I have been told my videos
               Sometimes you can feel hopeless or like you    & builds are very inspiring
            haven’t done enough, well look at where you started   and motivating. That is my
                                                              main goal with doing all of this
            and all of the great things you have done. It may   main goal with doing all of this
            also spark new ideas as to how to correct a current   extra work; I do not get paid
                                                              to write articles or make build
            problem. Confi dence is the key; remember, any     to write articles or make build
                                                              videos, rather I do it because
            person can solve any problem if they work hard    videos, rather I do it because
            enough!                                           it’s motivating for me when
                                                              someone else tells me that I
                                                              have motivated them! My most
               Order a new partder a new part
               Or                                             have motivated them! My most
                                                              motivational group of videos
            7)  If you are stuck,                             motivational group of videos
                  If you are stuck,
            I fi nd it rewarding                               is the Build series on “Wild-
            when a new part                                   Torquey”, a 2 year build that has changed my life and
            comes in the mail.                                can hopefully help you to change yours.  This build
            Working on the                                    series and many other videos can be seen at https://
            engine and things                       
            aren’t going right?
            Order the rear end                                  There ya have it folks: Simple tips on the surface,
            components that                                   but technical and educated at the same time. Much
            you will need, take                               like the rat rods that we build; they take some digging
            a few days off and                                to fi nd all of the artistic & functional details that have
            when those new                                    been incorporated.

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