Page 79 - Issue 40
P. 79
ith the emphasis on these educational might be able to design a new engine bracket
Wstandards for the foreseeable future, I or mount from scratch. Meeting the community
think rodders should earn degrees based on standards takes the form of attending as many
exceeding standards (the old way of earning local events as possible as well as traveling to
an A), meeting the standards (earning a C), and a few you aren’t as familiar with. You would be
failing to meet the standards (earning an F). I reading the magazines and paying attention to
think it is fair for the standards to be boiled down various automotive related media. You might
to the three rusty pillars of rodding: mechanics, even be in a car club, too.
fabrication, community. Exceeding the three anchor standards of rat
Failing to meet the rat rodding standards rodding doesn’t give you a free pass on improving
doesn’t mean you are a failure--you just need to yourself. Being a master mechanic where you
know you have a lot of work to do and should rebuild or restore something long since given
get started right away. Basic mechanical skills up to the elements and help others do the same
are a necessity for keeping vintage machinery will give you high marks on the mechanical
roadworthy. If you can’t at least change your standards. You are defi nitely exceeding the
rod’s fl uids and complete basic maintenance, fabrication standards if you can design, bend, and
you are not cutting it here. Failing to meet the weld on your own exhaust system starting with
fabrication standards can be caused by you the headers. Building a new frame, roll cage, or
not being able to remove a stuck bolt or light custom suspension set-up will also count as high
a torch. Failing community standards can be marks. As well as attending events and reading
due to simply not being part of it--not attending everything you can, you may have created your
own show, cruise, or help sponsor some
regular rodding event. You might be a
Basic mechanical participating member in a club or may
skills are a necessity have even started your own.
Any behavior listed above will count
for keeping vintage as positive marks toward your goal of
achieving automotive greatness. It needs
machinery roadworthy. to be noted that certain actions can lead
to negative points against your rodding
grade. You may be working to hurt this
hobby and not even know it. I think it all
shows, cruises, or not keeping up-to-date on the comes down to respect. I want to be part of a
literature like Rat Rod Magazine. group that builds others up, not one that rips
Meeting the rat rodding standards is an okay other cars and mocks their owners. It is easy
place to be, for now. Reaching this level shows for our hobby to be judged by that actions of
your mechanical skills can allow you to perform a few. When I bring my kids to an event, the
most if not all needed maintenance of your ride. last thing I need to do is hurry them past some
You can upgrade with bolt-ons to the engine and rodder displaying cringeworthy behavior.
suspension. You can troubleshoot and diagnose Getting good grades in this hobby isn’t
most of the issues keeping you from enjoying easy, and for this movement to advance into
your rat on the road. You can rebuild and/or the next generation, we need more than a few
replace wear items on your ride including starters, rat rodding scholars leading the way. Don’t
power steering pumps, and thermostats. You let a few bad marks get in the way of your
are meeting the fabrication standards of you can expansion. Before you know it, you just might
install your own exhaust system kit. You also be on the rat rodding honor roll.
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