Page 80 - Issue 40
P. 80
from Pastor David
ack in the day when I was the we have created in our imagination Now the question is do we have
greatest pilot ever, there was a that “could be”. Really? If we were to understand this plan to fully go
sign above the briefi ng room that good at predicting the future we along with it? Hopefully that brought
Bdoor that read, “Maintain a rigid would not have a stock market at all. a smile. I am learning that what I
state of fl exibility”. If the battlefi eld is Only God knows what lies ahead. understand on the “God Level” is
anything, it is fl uid. The one who does Questions: a pretty small portion. I do know
not remain on the balls of their feet Do I turn from change because it is
this: He loves us more than we can
ready to move are destine to go down not the future I have deemed correct
comprehend. He has promised He will
in history as the one who lost. This is and have not approved? stand with us to see us through. “If
where sticking to your ways might be Do I avoid change because it is
God walks you to it, He will walk you
admirable but most often the outcome spoken as truth by what I hear from
through it.”
is defeat. gossip or from the media?
Our past was paid for by Jesus.
So what is the deal about change? Do I resist change because I do not
Anyone who keeps up with today’s understand it? We do have choices in the present and
news knows there is no shortage God has plans for you, plans to how we live our lives, the decisions we
of change. Change, like so many prosper you and not to harm you, make and how we love to the fullest.
other words, can project different plans to give you hope and a future. But the future . . . In the end, the future
consequences according to our This is His promise for you. He is the is in His hands and the course we
core values. Face it, change is as creator of all things. He spoke all choose comes down to who we trust,
inevitable as tomorrow. It can be a creation into existence and by “All”, I God or ourselves. “I trust in thee.”
wonderful thing to look forward to or mean ALL things including time. Think on how freeing a life of
it can be feared. Pause: Remember these little trust is. One based on love. The life
Improvement is change. Some say, articles are for you to ponder, to take He means for us is one of grace and
a life that stops growing and learning is before God and ask, “What do You mercy. We were not created to live
one that is beginning to die. think about this?”
a life of dread looking around every
One defi nition of “repent” is to What if our Father has gone ahead
corner waiting for the hammer to drop.
change direction. Example: “I was in time, has seen what lies in our future It is one of great adventure with a
going a certain direction living life and and has come back with plans for you
Father who loves us before all else.
after running into one obstacle after not only to prosper, but to come out
This ole world needs hope. He wants
another found that particular path unharmed and have a knowing of a
to work with you to make that happen.
was harmful to me, my family or my rock-solid hope and future? He is not
friends. I changed directions for the the one whispering doom and gloom Keep them cards and letters coming.
good, deciding to never pick up that in your ear. His words, his change,
heading again.” speak of a future full of hope and joy,
Some avoid change because of of Victory. His promise speaks of how “God loves you so much
fear. So often we project out in the He will prepare you for this time only He cannot keep His eyes
future a time, place or relationship that He has seen. off of you.”
80 Word.indd 80 10/18/16 7:08 AM