Page 4 - Issue 42
P. 4

My fi rst issue as Editor in as Editor in

                    Chief of Rat Rod Magazine….
                    Chief of Rat Rod Magazine….

                     ow freakin’  awesome is that!? Before I get into too   something that isn’t. So, unless you read on one of these
                                                                  something that isn’t. So, unless you read on one of these
                     much here I want to say a few things about the   pages… it probably isn’t.
                                                                  pages… it probably isn’t.
                     shoe’s I am fi lling. They are… huge. I mean, have you      I’ve watched the rat rod scene grow by leaps and
                                                                        I’ve watched the rat rod scene grow by leaps and
                                                                  bounds over the last 3 or 4 years. The Rat Rod Tour
               Hever stopped and thought about what Steve has     bounds over the last 3 or 4 years. The Rat Rod Tour
                                                                  proved rat rods more than road worthy. We launched
                really done here? Where do you really think rat rodding   proved rat rods more than road worthy. We launched
                would be today without the national platform he gave it?  the fi rst ever rat rod build off, encouraging people to
                Rat Rod Magazine put rat rods in the face of a national   push themselves creatively in their builds for a shot at
                audience and inspired countless to build them. It showed   the national spotlight. Now there are build off’s all over
                that you didn’t need a huge bank roll to have a bad ass   the place. We were instrumental in creating the biggest
                national-magazine-worthy car. You didn’t need miles of   rat rod show in the country with Hawg Pit/Steelfest
                chrome… you didn’t need fancy paint. With a little blue   Weekend. Currently, we are working on the fi rst every
                collar ingenuity mixed with vision and some hard work,   Home Built Summit. All of this and more could not have
                legendary cars have been built. Car shows that used to   been possible without the vision of Steve Thaemert.
                frown on rat rods were forced to start rat rod classes.   When I say the shoes I must fi ll are huge, I mean it. As
                Movies and music videos started scripting them! So, I   Editor in Chief, I along with this staff will continue to make
                must ask: have you ever really thought about it? Hard to   sure the rat rod community has the national platform it
                believe 5 or 6 years ago, I wasn’t a fan of rat rods at all.   deserves and I will forever be grateful to Steve for giving
                Not until I met this crew at a show and picked up my fi rst  me the opportunity he has.
                copy of RRM.  From that point on I was hooked. Now,      With any growth comes pains. The rat rod scene
                here I sit, taking the place of the man who created it.   has seen its share of changes. More and more people are
                     Anytime there is change, the rumor monsters start   pushing the limits of what a rat rod is. There are folks out
                coming out from under the bed. We here at RRM are no   there who can afford building high end and folks who
                stranger to those monsters. Most the time when they   can’t, building with bare bones budget. Both ending up
                make their way to us, (and they always do) we can’t help   with their own pride and joy in the end. One guy may not
                but look at each other, scratch our heads and think…   like the others and that’s ok. That’s why rat rods are so
                “huh?” So, I’m going to ask you to do this: Next time   cool and appealing to more and more people. No two
                you’re at the newsstand to get the latest greatest copy   are the same. But what isn’t ok with me is when someone
                of RRM, pick up one of the other automotive magazines   openly bashes someone else’s build because it doesn’t
                and look through it. If you’re like me, you’re going to   exactly fi t their own personal vision of what a rat rod is.
                fl ip past a whole lot of pages before you hit a feature.   That is the very kind of thing that divides and destroys
                In between those features are ads. Lots and lots of ads.   friendships and spawns a cancer within a community
                Now… look through RRM. Notice what’s missing? Folks   of good people. I’ve personally seen this happen and
                the real money in the magazine biz comes from those   it’s a shame. This is the main reason why you may never
                ads. Yes, we could hire a sales team, pack each issue with  see us do another build off. We would much rather do
                ads and fatten our wallets. The only ads we have are from  events that bring this community together. I hate to see
                folks who truly support the rat rod culture and that’s   friendships tore apart because of a competition or worst
                the way we want it. Yes, we must make money, after all   yet, a difference in opinions. Everyone loses when we let
                this is a business. You wouldn’t believe what it costs to   that happen.
                keep this big rusty machine rolling, but this is our passion      I hope you enjoy this issue. As always, I’m very open
                just like building rat rods is yours. Steve believed in the   to feedback, after all this is YOUR magazine. Feel free to
                rat rod community and sacrifi ced an awful lot over the   email me at Until next issue…
                years to give this community a national voice. Your voice!  RAT-n-ROLL!!
                All rumors do is mislead good people into believing                               - Jerry


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